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the Price of Online DVD Rentals

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$ 20
Dec 2008
Los Angeles, Ca
3 at a time
30 days
Average 20-25 movies in a month  more... close row

Description of service

I utilize online DVD rentals for convenience and options as compared to the traditional brick and mortar establishments. I've been using this service for over two years and could not be happier. You order the movies you want online and they will send them directly to you in the mail. There are different price plans depending on how many movies you would like to rent out at a time. I receive 3 movies in my mail at a time and pay approximately $20 a month for the service. With this plan I have the choice of returning the movies to my local brick and mortar branch in exchange for a movie in the store or I can send it back in the its prepaid envelope for the next movie in my queue. The movies are mailed quite quickly once they receive your current selection. I probably average 20-25 movies a month in rentals which comes out to be about $1 per movie. Also the best part is that they don't charge you late fees so you get to keep the movies for as long as you want.

Review of Service

The service has been excellent throughout my experience. The convenience of not always having to go to the video store as well as being forced to watch the movies right away so you don't incur late fees is well worth it. Another benefit of online DVD rentals is that there is usually more movie options available online than in the video store so you can find those hard to find movies. The only drawback I have about the service is since you don't incur late fees you tend to get lazy about watching the movies so they sit in you house for days or weeks before you pop them in your DVD player. That can dramatically reduces the amount of DVDs you receive per month. The service is a great value when compared to video store rentals because the cost breakdown per rental can fall anywhere between $1-2 depending on the service plan and on how many DVDs you receive per month. From my experience I have paid $6-8 dollars per movie rental in the video stores.


Before signing up for Online DVD rentals make sure to ask yourself if you have the time to watch movies. Also review the options that Online retailers offer its customers. Some have the option to stream movies onto your computer and some don't. Some allow you to exchange movies in their brick and mortar stores and some don't have brick and mortar stores for you to exchange them. I wish I had known about this service a few a years earlier because I could have saved a lot of time and money on my video rentals.

$ 15
Nov 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Amazing online DVD rental service  more... close row
$ 17
Nov 2008
orlando, florida
3 out at a time
unlimited days
Monthly DVD mail service  more... close row
$ 13
Sep 2008
Rochester, NY
Excellent online DVD rental system  more... close row
$ 12
Aug 2008
Charlotte, NC
Video rental plans changed for the worse  more... close row
$ 5
Jul 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Very quick online DVD program  more... close row
$ 15
Aug 2007
Miami, FL
4 a month
no time limit,
4 DVDs a month through online service  more... close row
$ 14
Sep 2007
Dallas, TX
Many DVDs available  more... close row
$ 20
Dec 2008
Farmington Hills, MI
3 at a time
Great service for online DVD rental  more... close row
$ 14
Jun 2007
Burbank, CA
2 at a time
No Limit
Price for one monthof DVD rentals  more... close row
$ 17
Nov 2008
columbus, oh
Unlimited movies and no late fee  more... close row
$ 20
May 2008
Chicago, IL
3 at a time
Mailed DVDs not showing up   more... close row
$ 18
Aug 2007
Boiling Springs, SC
many advantages to mail DVD service  more... close row
$ 5
Dec 2008
Los Gatos, California
Good deal for what you get in this package  more... close row
$ 10
Nov 2008
Tampa, Fl
Renting DVDs online saves time and money  more... close row
$ 20
Dec 2008
Blue Springs, MO
unlimited amount per month
unlimited amount of time
Wonderful and easy DVD rental service  more... close row
$ 6
Aug 2008
Springfield, VA
Online DVD rental extremely convenient  more... close row
$ 9
Sep 2008
Tampa, Fl.
Up to two DVDs at a time  more... close row
$ 25
Nov 2008
Los Angeles
30 days
Slow DVD mail service  more... close row
$ 20
Nov 2007
Jackson, MS
Service not good for online DVD rentals  more... close row
$ 20
Oct 2008
Gulfport, MS
1 Month
Service good but not up front about prices  more... close row
$ 14
Oct 2008
United States
2 unlimited exchanges in a month
Two at a time online DVD rentals  more... close row