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the Price of Violin Lessons

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$ 40
Sep 2007
Dallas, TX
Violin Lessons
Daughter did not keep interest in violin   more... close row
$ 75
Jan 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Member of symphony taught advanced violin  more... close row
$ 30
Jun 2008
Lexington, KY
In home violin lessons   more... close row
$ 400
Feb 2007
San Diego, CA
Children's Violin lessons
Six months of weekly violin lessons for daughter  more... close row
$ 0
Sep 2007
Columbus, Ohio
Free after school violin lessons  more... close row
$ 25
Feb 2006
Uniontown, OH
Half hour violin lesson at local music store  more... close row
$ 0
Sep 2008
Ashland, Ky
Daughter loves twice weekly violin class  more... close row
$ 0
Sep 2007
Columbus, Ohio
violin classes
School offers free violin lessons  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
OMUxwf <a href="http://jivacnbvwbuv.com/">jivacnbvwbuv</a&g  more... close row
$ 0
Aug 2007
Dublin, Ohio
Daughter loves violin lessons  more... close row

Description of service

My daughter was giving violin classes free violin lessons from her school. The children would got to violins lessons every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 pm to 2:35 pm. They learn how to hold the violin the right way and how to play wonderful songs. During the holiday seasons the children got to play music for the whole school and family. My daughter was always playing to get better at what she learned. When the teacher felt that the child needed extra help she would allow them to come in after school for a one on one lesson.

Review of Service

My daughter loved going to violin lessons and loves to show what she has learned to everyone. The teacher is wonderful. She is great with the students and really takes time them. All the students love the class and could not wait for the new school year to start. I knew my daughter was safe and being cared for while she was at school after hours. It is a wonderful thing to watch my daughter work so hard for something she wants.


Music is a great way for a child to express themselves. If your child wants to try to play a violin and the school they attend does not offer lessons try to look in your local phone book or online. This is a great way to open doors for your child so they will want to try other things.

$ 40
Sep 2008
Manchester, ME
Violin Lessons
One hour of private violin lessons  more... close row