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the Price of Tattoo Removal

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$ 500
Jan 2008
Tempe, AZ
Expensive tattoo removal was high-quality  more... close row
$ 1400
May 2008
Medford, OR
lower back
Five sessions of tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 400
Nov 2008
Staten Island
4 inches by 4 inches
Tattoo with ex-wife's name removed  more... close row
$ 500
Feb 2007
Dallas, TX
3 inches
Tattoo removal was a good decision  more... close row
$ 180
Jul 2008
San Francisco, CA
10cm by 6cm
left upper arm
Tattoo removal less painful than actual tattooing  more... close row
$ 600
Nov 2006
4 inches by 2 1/2 inches
Tattoo removed from arm,  more... close row
$ 100
Jan 2009
Chicago, IL
3 x 3 inches
upper arm
One laser treatment for tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 1500
Jul 2006
Sylacauga, Alabama
6 inches by 3 inches
lower back
Three sessions of tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 1200
Jan 2007
Denver Co
Upper arm
Four visits to remove tattoo  more... close row
$ 1200
Aug 2007
Chicago, IL
3 inches by 2 inches
Tattoo removal of an old and silly tattoo  more... close row
$ 1000
Sep 2006
Charlotte, NC
3 inches x 3 inches
lower back
Tattoo removal extremely painful  more... close row
$ 450
Sep 2008
memphis, Tennessee
1 inch by 1 inch
Top of right foot
Small tattoo removed from top of foot  more... close row
$ 3000
May 2007
Birmingham, Alabama
4 inches by 8 inches
lower back
Series of painful treatments to get rid of tattoo  more... close row
$ 500
Apr 2007
Denver, CO
left shoulder
Extremely painful tattoo removal  more... close row

Description of service

I had a small tattoo removed. They also provided dermatology services including consultations, advice, referrals, and treatment of certain skin problems and conditions, as well as preventative care and maintenance of cosmetic procedures, peels, facelifts, etc.

Review of Service

The service was pretty good. I was given a lot of informed options regarding the removal of my tattoo before I ever made any decisions. I chose to go with the most popular method of tattoo removal, which is laser removal. It was exceptionally painful to have the tattoo removed, and took two separate sessions. The tattoo was about the size of a quarter, and was of a smiley face, which was pretty inoffensive, but overall pretty lame. It blistered, scabbed, and scarred when I finished the first session, and the second session was even more painful than the first. I was advised it would not be comfortable, but I never thought it would burn so badly. After all was said and done, even though the service was good and the staff was professional and courteous, I wished I had just left the lame tattoo on my shoulder!


Really consider all your options before deciding to get a tattoo removed. Obviously if it is offensive or gang-related or something like that, it may be best to have the tattoo removed. However, if it is something small and inoffensive, you are probably better off leaving the tatto where it is. While the blisters and scabs heal, it is a very painful procedure, and not one that I ever want to go through again.

$ 500
Feb 2006
3 inches by 5 inches
Tattoo removal was well worth it  more... close row