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the Price of Tattoo Removal

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$ 500
Jan 2008
Tempe, AZ
Expensive tattoo removal was high-quality  more... close row
$ 1400
May 2008
Medford, OR
lower back
Five sessions of tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 400
Nov 2008
Staten Island
4 inches by 4 inches
Tattoo with ex-wife's name removed  more... close row
$ 500
Feb 2007
Dallas, TX
3 inches
Tattoo removal was a good decision  more... close row

Description of service

I had a small flower tattoo removed off of my ankle recently. I had 3 sessions of removal to get it all taken off, and paid roughly about $500. That was a good deal too. Usually prices vary from $250 a session and up. It all depends on how big the tattoo is, and how dark it is. I had laser tattoo removal which is one of the best ways to effectively remove one. It's done by aiming a laser at part of the tattoo and it targets the clusters of ink. The laser aims highly concentrated light beams at the ink and breaks it down into tiny bits. At this point your body flushes the ink particles away over time as your immune system kicks in. The treatment was painful but not unbearable. If you have an unwanted tattoo then you will do pretty much anything to get rid of it. The laser feels like someone is dripping hot oil or grease on your skin. Like when you are making bacon and sometimes the grease pops out of the pan and onto your arm. I only did a few treatments because my tattoo was small and was already faded and old. If I had done more I might have scarred a little since my skin is so sensitive. This is usually not the case I was told since our technology has been advancing to overcome aftereffects like that.

Review of Service

I think that the service I paid for was a good decision. It really wasn't that expensive and I bet I would have paid more. I didn't hate my tattoo but I really didn't like it anymore, and I wanted to put something better in its place. The staff were very nice and comforting. i was a little scared because I knew it was painful and who really wants to go through that? There was a medical doctor on staff who oversaw the procedure to make sure everything went smoothly. He was also very nice and comforting. he explained everything to me before they started so I wouldn't be confused. Once they started they would stop occasionally and ask if I was alright. When the procedure was finished they bandaged me up and took the time to explain to me how to take care of it. I asked a few questions about the possibility of scarring or blistering and they helped me understand the risks of tattoo removal and that there's no real way of determining whether or not someone will scar or blister. I have sensitive skin so I was worried about it. They even called me 3 weeks later to follow up and see if I needed another treatment.


If you have a tattoo that you don't want anymore I suggest researching all possible removal methods. People are manufacturing balms and other things that you are supposed to rub on the tattooed skin. I haven't tried any of these and honestly don't think they would work. If you look at the "anatomy" of a tattoo, the ink is under layers of skin so an external balm or cream isn't going to seep in deep enough to do any good. But then again I haven't tried it. I suggest laser removal. It's relatively cheap and the results are worth it. My skin feels like nothing was ever there. I'm planning my new tattoo that is going where it was and couldn't be more pleased. I suggest that when you get a tattoo think long and hard about if it is really what you want, and where you want it. Also, if you are unsure try to get something light in color so if you do decide to remove it, it will be easier to deal with later on. Take good care of your tattoo. If your tattoo is scarred up because you didn't take care of it while it was healing then it will be harder to remove later.

$ 180
Jul 2008
San Francisco, CA
10cm by 6cm
left upper arm
Tattoo removal less painful than actual tattooing  more... close row
$ 600
Nov 2006
4 inches by 2 1/2 inches
Tattoo removed from arm,  more... close row
$ 100
Jan 2009
Chicago, IL
3 x 3 inches
upper arm
One laser treatment for tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 1500
Jul 2006
Sylacauga, Alabama
6 inches by 3 inches
lower back
Three sessions of tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 1200
Jan 2007
Denver Co
Upper arm
Four visits to remove tattoo  more... close row
$ 1200
Aug 2007
Chicago, IL
3 inches by 2 inches
Tattoo removal of an old and silly tattoo  more... close row
$ 1000
Sep 2006
Charlotte, NC
3 inches x 3 inches
lower back
Tattoo removal extremely painful  more... close row
$ 450
Sep 2008
memphis, Tennessee
1 inch by 1 inch
Top of right foot
Small tattoo removed from top of foot  more... close row
$ 3000
May 2007
Birmingham, Alabama
4 inches by 8 inches
lower back
Series of painful treatments to get rid of tattoo  more... close row
$ 500
Apr 2007
Denver, CO
left shoulder
Extremely painful tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 500
Feb 2006
3 inches by 5 inches
Tattoo removal was well worth it  more... close row