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the Price of Tattoo Removal

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$ 500
Jan 2008
Tempe, AZ
Expensive tattoo removal was high-quality  more... close row
$ 1400
May 2008
Medford, OR
lower back
Five sessions of tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 400
Nov 2008
Staten Island
4 inches by 4 inches
Tattoo with ex-wife's name removed  more... close row
$ 500
Feb 2007
Dallas, TX
3 inches
Tattoo removal was a good decision  more... close row
$ 180
Jul 2008
San Francisco, CA
10cm by 6cm
left upper arm
Tattoo removal less painful than actual tattooing  more... close row
$ 600
Nov 2006
4 inches by 2 1/2 inches
Tattoo removed from arm,  more... close row
$ 100
Jan 2009
Chicago, IL
3 x 3 inches
upper arm
One laser treatment for tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 1500
Jul 2006
Sylacauga, Alabama
6 inches by 3 inches
lower back
Three sessions of tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 1200
Jan 2007
Denver Co
Upper arm
Four visits to remove tattoo  more... close row

Description of service

I had to go visit the office where I was receiving my tattoo removal four times just because having a tattoo removed can be difficult. I had my arm numbed with a cream and they used the laser over the tattoo. It was pretty uncomfortable afterwards, but, I believe worth it in the end. Each session that I went to cost me 300.00 and each session was about 20 minutes long.

Review of Service

I believe I received a great quality of service, the office was nice and the doctor that was doing the laser removal was kind enough to let me know what he was doing before he did it, and he tried to let me know what to expect. Some doctors don't talk to you at all while they are doing work on you, he made sure he kept talking to me which in the end made me very comfortable. I definately believe the service I received was worth what was paid.


My biggest tip is thinking twice before getting your tattoo, but if you have already gotten a tattoo and you are wanting it removed research the offices in your area. Make sure that the doctor you are going to is licensed to removed tattoos and work with the lasers that they use. They cannot guarantee that the tattoo will be completely removed, you may have a bit of scar afterwards so keep that in mind. I am a believer in you get what you pay for, so don't run to the cheapest place you can find to have it removed.

$ 1200
Aug 2007
Chicago, IL
3 inches by 2 inches
Tattoo removal of an old and silly tattoo  more... close row
$ 1000
Sep 2006
Charlotte, NC
3 inches x 3 inches
lower back
Tattoo removal extremely painful  more... close row
$ 450
Sep 2008
memphis, Tennessee
1 inch by 1 inch
Top of right foot
Small tattoo removed from top of foot  more... close row
$ 3000
May 2007
Birmingham, Alabama
4 inches by 8 inches
lower back
Series of painful treatments to get rid of tattoo  more... close row
$ 500
Apr 2007
Denver, CO
left shoulder
Extremely painful tattoo removal  more... close row
$ 500
Feb 2006
3 inches by 5 inches
Tattoo removal was well worth it  more... close row