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the Price of Cello Lessons

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$ 30
Apr 2008
Akron, OH
Tough cello lessons  more... close row
$ 40
Mar 2009
Farmingdale, NY
Cello instructor is strict but fair  more... close row
$ 15
Apr 2009
Edwardsville, IL
Cello Lesson
One on one lessons for a very good price  more... close row

Description of service

As a former music major, I'd always wanted to learn how to play cello. I signed up for lessons at a music store that specializes in cello, and for $15 per half-hour lesson, I was very surprised at the quality of instruction. I received printed materials and a half-hour, one-on-one lesson for only $15.

Review of Service

I was paired with a graduate student in cello performance. She was an incredible instructor, and made my lessons fun as well as educational. For $15 for a half hour lesson, I was skeptical; but with a once-weekly lesson, I was up to beginner-level proficiency within two months. Of course, a background in music and guitar helped, but the specifics of learning cello were easy to master with such great lessons.


First, buy a nice instrument -- it'll make your lessons much more enjoyable rather than using a "beginner" or "student" instrument. Second, I didn't expect much for $15/half hour, but I was pleasantly surprised. Check out reviews for your instructor, and ask for references. You might be surprised at how great your lessons are despite the cheap price. And, most importantly, PRACTICE! The best lessons in the world mean nothing if you don't practice the theories you're learning.

$ 80
May 2008
Arlington, WA
One month of half-hour cello lessons  more... close row
$ 25
Mar 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Cello Lesson
Cello lessons from a friend  more... close row
$ 35
Nov 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
Cello lessons
Cello lessons for daughter before joining the orchestra  more... close row
$ 150
Aug 2006
Spartanburg, SC
Cello Lesson in School
Free cello lessons at school  more... close row
$ 240
Apr 2007
Minneapolis, MN
Cello lessons
A total of 50 cello lessons once per week  more... close row