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the Price of a Boat Rental

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$ 75
Jul 2006
Huntington, WV
Renting a pontoon boat with friends  more... close row
$ 1800
Sep 2008
Knoxville, TN
Huge 8 beds, two decks with a slide Atlantis boat
Spectacular weekend boat rental for 10th wedding anniversary  more... close row
$ 200
Jul 2007
Cape Coral, Florida
Rented very nice pontoon boat  more... close row
$ 125
Jul 2008
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
16 foot speed boat
Family trip on a boat on a lake  more... close row
$ 85
Jul 2008
Columbus, Oh
center console power boat
5 hour rental plus gas for boat  more... close row
$ 50
Feb 2008
Clearwater, FL
16ft cape horn open
2 seater boat rented for one hour  more... close row
$ 85
Aug 2006
Myrtle beach, SC
Boating is a great way to have fun with family  more... close row
$ 30
Sep 2007
Dallas, TX
17 ft kayak manitou
Perfect boat for two hour rental  more... close row

Description of service

I was in Dallas last year, with my wife, when i wanted to rent a cheap paddle boat just for some fun. The 17 feet kayak manitou was the perfect boat that i found. It was 2 seater and very cheap. I paid $30 (including all taxes) for the boat for 2 hours. But another $200 were deposited as refundable security deposit. I got $200 back after returning the boat in good condition. The payment was made through credit card.

Review of Service

The boat that i got was not in such a good condition. I hated the noise that was made by the paddles of the boat. Also the seats were not in a very good condition. These should have been much better. But you can't do much about it because very few people rent these paddle boats.


Paddle boats are very few in number and if you want one of them, you must book the boat well in advance.

You must be over 18 years of age and possessing a credit card is must.

Do keep in mind that the rent the dealer asks for is excluding taxes. Be very clear in this regard. Decide upon this issue before making the payment.

Check the boat before renting it. Return the boat on time and in the same condition as you got it or else the security deposit would be forfeited.

$ 50
Sep 2008
Tampa, Florida
Row Boat
Rented a rowboat from a rude owner  more... close row
$ 15
Feb 2008
Saint Louis,MO
Row boats
Renting boats in a park with a lake  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
qhyWGF <a href="http://jpptccujjqdr.com/">jpptccujjqdr</a&g  more... close row
$ 50
Aug 2008
Oceanside, CA
17' boat with 9.9hp
Booking boat in advance saves money  more... close row
$ 85
May 2006
Cleveland, OH
16' power boat big enough for 8 people
Boat for four hours plus gas  more... close row
$ 65
Sep 2008
San Diego,CA
18' capri
Rented an 18 foot boat for two hours  more... close row
$ 70
Sep 2008
Greenup, Ky
pontoon boat
Four hours of boat rental plus gas  more... close row
$ 30
Aug 2008
Dallas, TX
15' ft. Manitou
Two hours of boat rental  more... close row
$ 457
May 2008
Key West,FL
20' deck boat
Full day rental of 20 foot boat for family reunion  more... close row
$ 85
Aug 2008
14' Skiff
2 Seater fishing boat for the day  more... close row
$ 180
Aug 2007
Marathon, FL
20ft ProSport Center Console
One day of boat rental  more... close row