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the Price of DVD Rental Kiosks

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$ 4
Apr 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
Price of 4 DVDs from the kiosk  more... close row

Description of service

This is a great service to use instead of having an online membership or having to visit your local video store. You simply visit the kiosk, pick your movies, swipe your credit card, and your movies are dispensed from the machine. The movies vary at each location but you will be able to find new releases, blockbusters, and childrens movies as well. You first hit that you want to rent a DVD and then go through the selectoins that the kiosk has. You pick the ones you want and enter your email address if you choose (I recommend it as this is where your receipt will go to when your return the movies). After reviewing your selectoin, swipe your credit card and it will dispense your movies. Upon returning the movie you select that you are returning and slide them in the opening one at a time. The usual rate is 1 dollar per day, per movie. You need to return the movie by 8 or 9 pm the following day or you will get charged an additional dollar per movie for another day of rental. Very easy to use and understand.

Review of Service

My family has been using this service for about 6 months and have never had any errors with the machine. It is easy to navigate and find your movies and it warns you if any are rated R. Of course there are instances where the movie you want to see isn't available (if it is new and in demand), but it just wont show you those movies in the selection. I feel the rate is extemely affordable and the selection is wonderful. We are able to rent new releases as well as older block busters and even kids movies (both theater releases and television series such as Dora the Explorer). We usually rent 3 movies and have them for a day, sometimes two before returning them. Everything always go smoothly upon renting and also returning. In one instance we got a movie that would not play in our DVD player and in that case you go to their website and input your information and the movie name and you will be refunded for the rental of the movie. You then return it to the local kiosk where the next technican to service it will remove it so it doesn't get rented again. Customer service was excellent and they responded to me in less than 24 hours on the weekend. I was indeed refunded for the price of that movie promptly. You will pay sales tax if your state charges it. My state charges 6 percent and this if of course is mandated by your state and not the company.


If you want to get your movies even faster, go online and reserve them before going to the kiosk. Simply choose the movies you wish to see and input your information. When you visit the kiosk you selected just hit that you are picking up movies and it will dispense them at that time. Very easy to do and it makes sure you get the movies you want without having to worry about them being rented out already. Also make sure to visit the company website and input your email address and you will get a free night rental for a movie so you can try the service out. You local store may also offer coupons. Mine gives out codes or a free rental with a certain purchase (such as frozen pizza) so make sure to ask ahead of time. Lastly, remember that you can return the rental at any kiosk location, not just the one you rented from. This makes returning them even easier!

$ 2
Apr 2009
Woodstock, IL
Two DVDs for two days from kiosk  more... close row
$ 1
Jan 2009
Levittown, NY
DVD kiosk limited but convenient  more... close row
$ 1
Apr 2009
Marysville, WA
Great video rental option for families  more... close row
$ 1
Nov 2008
Charlotte, NC
Electronic DVD rental kiosk  more... close row
$ 1
Oct 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
DVDs available from kiosks  more... close row
$ 1
Apr 2009
Delaware, OH
Kiosks don't always have the movie I want  more... close row
$ 1
Sep 2008
Delaware, OH
Cheap freestanding DVD vending machines  more... close row
$ 2
Apr 2009
Orem, UT
Super convenient way to rent DVDs  more... close row
$ 1
Mar 2009
Mesa, AZ
Reserve a DVD online and get it form the kiosk  more... close row
$ 1
Dec 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
DVD rental kiosk at grocery store  more... close row
$ 1
Sep 2008
Bellingham, WA
DVD kiosks are simple and straightforward  more... close row
$ 1
Apr 2009
Brighton, CO
Kiosks include used DVDs for purchase  more... close row
$ 1
Feb 2009
Greenwood IN
REntal of one DVD for one night  more... close row
$ 2
Apr 2009
Chicago, IL
Late fees add up very quickly  more... close row
$ 1
Apr 2009
Lilburn, GA
Important to return DVD on time  more... close row
$ 1
Mar 2009
Wichita, KS
DVD kiosk very easy to use  more... close row