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the Price of Oil Pastel Painting Classes
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$ 200
Mar 2008
Brighton, MI
Oil pastel painting class a gift for wife
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$ 550
May 2008
San Francisco, CA
Generalized oil pastels, landscapes, etc.
One month of three days a week oil pastel class
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$ 300
Jul 2008
Van Buren, Arkansas
Oil Pastel-introduction, working on use.
Eight lessons in a month with a great teacher
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$ 30
Feb 2009
Brighton, CO
floral canvas
One-time oil pastel class
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$ 50
May 2007
Farmingdale, NY
Oil Painting Classes
Series of nine oil painting classes
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$ 45
Nov 2007
Littleton, CO
landscapes and floral
Oil pastel class was a unique experience
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$ 145
Aug 2008
Virginia Beach,VA
Oil Pastel painting
Four class sessions and all supplies
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$ 45
Aug 2008
Overland Park, KS
Oil Painting and Pastel Classes
Oil pastel and oil painting class
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$ 45
Dec 2008
Brighton, CO
Pastel class a fun way to dabble in art
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