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the Price of Oil Pastel Painting Classes

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$ 110
Dec 2006
Oakland, CA
oil pastels
Oil pastel painting class  more... close row
$ 200
Mar 2008
Brighton, MI
Oil pastel painting class a gift for wife  more... close row
$ 550
May 2008
San Francisco, CA
Generalized oil pastels, landscapes, etc.
One month of three days a week oil pastel class  more... close row
$ 300
Jul 2008
Van Buren, Arkansas
Oil Pastel-introduction, working on use.
Eight lessons in a month with a great teacher  more... close row

Description of service

The three-hundred dollars covered the cost of pastels, and a month's worth of lessons, two a week for four weeks. It was a one-on-one lesson, and took place in a public artist's studio. Each lesson lasted about two hours and the time always seemed to fly. It was an introductory lesson, basically introducing the medium (oil Pastels) and getting some basic ideas of what you could do with them.

Review of Service

I had a great teacher. She was always prompt, and not once did she make me feel like I lacked artistic ability, or that oil pastels needed talent to master. Instead, she showed me how to work with the consistency of the pastel and use it to my advantage. She also ended up helping me on my facial structures, and how to properly prep a canvas. The only thing I was skeptical about was the price, but what I learned in that month ended up carrying over into all forms of art. It was definitely it's money's worth.


Check around your local art galleries or community centers to see if anyone has posted any openings for art classes. Also, know how you learn. If you go one on one, don't sign up for a group class, and if it's the opposite, a one-on-one lesson may not be the thing for you.

$ 30
Feb 2009
Brighton, CO
floral canvas
One-time oil pastel class  more... close row
$ 50
May 2007
Farmingdale, NY
Oil Painting Classes
Series of nine oil painting classes  more... close row
$ 45
Nov 2007
Littleton, CO
landscapes and floral
Oil pastel class was a unique experience  more... close row
$ 145
Aug 2008
Virginia Beach,VA
Oil Pastel painting
Four class sessions and all supplies  more... close row
$ 45
Aug 2008
Overland Park, KS
Oil Painting and Pastel Classes
Oil pastel and oil painting class  more... close row
$ 45
Dec 2008
Brighton, CO
Pastel class a fun way to dabble in art  more... close row