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the Cost of Overnight Tours and Trips

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$ 4000
Apr 2006
Houston, TX
Girls trip to Italy   more... close row
$ 100
Mar 2008
Parkersburg, WV
36 hours
Daytrip from WV to NYC  more... close row
$ 1000
Mar 2007
Orlando, FL
Two days one night
Package trip to Disney World expensive but worth it  more... close row
$ 1035
Sep 2007
Kalispell, Montana
7 days
Seven day Seattle to Alaska cruise  more... close row
$ 545
Sep 2007
Grand Canyon, AZ
2 days
Per person price for Grand Canyon trip  more... close row
$ 220
Jul 2007
Muskegon, MI
36 hours
Sand dune camping trip  more... close row

Description of service

The service was a sand dune over night camping-style trip through a local tour company. The trip was near Lake Michigan in the sand dunes. The $220 included total fee for the trip, which included professional tour-guide supervision and site assistance. There were activities planned and they guided us with climbing the sand dunes. The $220 was per person, so for a couple it was actually $440.

Review of Service

It was the time of our lives. A true blast. Not many "old school" getaways like this really left anymore. Good to get at one with nature and just really enjoy it. The sand dunes are amazing, and I would recommend a similar trip to anybody. They were friendly and professional, and made us feel like we were important customers. I give them a 10 out of 10.


My best tip would be to go through a professional tour/agency type company. Sure anybody can go explore the sand dunes on their own. However, you aren't getting the full experience out of it (unless you are an expert of course). If you are an ameutuer like us looking to have fun, I can promise that you will have much more fun with a professional guided tour.

$ 89
Feb 2007
Tampa, FL
three nights, all at destination
Casino hopping in the South  more... close row
$ 398
Nov 2007
Atlantic City, NJ
three days and two nights
Two night trip to Atlantic city for couple  more... close row
$ 350
Jun 2007
Wheeling, WV
Two Days
River boat tour of Ohio Valley for two days  more... close row
$ 1500
Feb 2008
Pine Bluff, AR
5 days, 4 nights
Touring all around the South  more... close row
$ 560
Mar 2007
Wisconsin Dells, WI
3 days 2 nights.
Bus tour from Chicago to Wisconsin  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
UdOwl9 <a href="http://alobjbiekmea.com/">alobjbiekmea</a&g  more... close row
$ 3995
Jun 2007
Amsterdam, Ireland, France
Bulk group tour through a local travel agent   more... close row