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the Cost of Overnight Tours and Trips

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$ 100
Mar 2008
Parkersburg, WV
36 hours
Daytrip from WV to NYC  more... close row
$ 4000
Apr 2006
Houston, TX
Girls trip to Italy   more... close row
$ 1000
Mar 2007
Orlando, FL
Two days one night
Package trip to Disney World expensive but worth it  more... close row
$ 1035
Sep 2007
Kalispell, Montana
7 days
Seven day Seattle to Alaska cruise  more... close row

Description of service

Payment was for a seven day cruise to Alaska (from Seattle). The amount shown is per person and included a $50 fee payable to the state of Alaska (similar to an airport tax but this was of course by boat. The price did not include transportation from Kalispell, Montana to Seattle, Washington ( 500 miles by personal auto). The stateroom was on the outside (view) all meals were free and all additional expenses were discretionary (Alcholic drinks, espresso coffee, and shopping, both on board and at tour stops. The price included one free photograph. Shipboard entertainment was also included in the price. The tour was arranged by a nation-wide fitness organization of which our local club is a member so there was a discount of approximately 15% off the usual fare.

Review of Service

The quality of service was outstanding ( unless you don't like being spoiled). We had excellent weather (not always the case for southeastern Alaska) and the itinerary was very interesting. Shipboard entertainment was also excellent, six fine shows plus several nighclub acts, The dining staff were friendly and made every effort to get to know each guest. Every employee we talked to was courteous and helpful. All areas of the ship were spotlessly clean adn the food was well prepared and generous. There was food available at almost all hours.

Passenger safety was taken seriously from the mandatory lifejacket drill to closing portions of the outer deck during a couple of brief periods of stormy weather.

The only complaint we had (others had the same one) was that on parts of the tour we would have liked more information on locations we were at (names of islands, bodies of water, mountain ranges, and the like). The only other complaint we had was that the cruise didn't last much longer, but we certainly got our money's worth.


If a cruise has "formal" nights, rent a tuxedo. Even if you never have worn one or seldom do and are afraind you'll look like a penguin it's a nice touch and you'll feel good (same for ladies gowns). Most of the rest of the time you can dress very casually though you are expected to dress nicely for dinner.

Tips to the waiter staff and stateroom attendants are usually paid on the last day of the cruise. You will be told in advance what is expected. You'll likely find the service was well worth the tip.

Soft sided luggage is best, especially if you have more than one piece of luggage. Staterooms are small and don't have a lot of room for luggage. One larger piece on wheels will probably be all right.

Don't forget you passport plus one piece of photo ID (drivers license). You'll need them at ports of call and won't be allowed on the shiop without them.

Don't worry about not having enough to do. There will be plenty of activities and once you get relaxed and comfortable you may find you really don't want to do much anyway.

$ 545
Sep 2007
Grand Canyon, AZ
2 days
Per person price for Grand Canyon trip  more... close row
$ 220
Jul 2007
Muskegon, MI
36 hours
Sand dune camping trip  more... close row
$ 89
Feb 2007
Tampa, FL
three nights, all at destination
Casino hopping in the South  more... close row
$ 350
Jun 2007
Wheeling, WV
Two Days
River boat tour of Ohio Valley for two days  more... close row
$ 1500
Feb 2008
Pine Bluff, AR
5 days, 4 nights
Touring all around the South  more... close row
$ 398
Nov 2007
Atlantic City, NJ
three days and two nights
Two night trip to Atlantic city for couple  more... close row
$ 560
Mar 2007
Wisconsin Dells, WI
3 days 2 nights.
Bus tour from Chicago to Wisconsin  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
UdOwl9 <a href="http://alobjbiekmea.com/">alobjbiekmea</a&g  more... close row
$ 3995
Jun 2007
Amsterdam, Ireland, France
Bulk group tour through a local travel agent   more... close row