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the Price of Digital Cable TV

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$ 50
Apr 2008
Saint Louis Park, Minnesota
Digital Cable Television with HDTV box  more... close row
$ 141
Apr 2008
Yakima, WA
Digital cable television viewing package  more... close row
$ 50
Apr 2008
Houston, TX
400 Channels on Digital Cable  more... close row
$ 50
Jan 2008
East Lansing, MI
Save through promotional deals for digital cable  more... close row

Description of service

The service is digital cable tv from our local cable provider. We pay $50 a month for our digital cable service and this includes all basic and an assortment of "included" premium channels but not all premium channels. This is digital cable alone, without internet or DVR or any other extras.

Review of Service

We are generally pleased with our service, and definitely prefer it over satellite. We used to have satellite service and were very unhappy because of how unreliable it was during bad weather. It used to be so frustrating during storms when the satellite would aways seems to go out. We have had some problems from time to time with our digital cable faltering, but nothing compared to the problems we experienced with the satellite. All in all, we are pleased with the service of our digital cable provider.


The best tip that I can think of is to ask for a promotional deal. Our local provider always seems to be offering some sort of offer. Often times they are 6 month promotions. A smart tip here is to transfer the name of our cable plan to another member of your household after 6 months to get another 6 months. Good smart and easy way too save money!

$ 59
Mar 2008
Lewiston, ME
Digital cable with some free on demand  more... close row
$ 40
Jan 2008
Barbourville, KY
Digital cable package without premium channels  more... close row
$ 140
Feb 2008
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Premium channels and on demand  more... close row
$ 50
Mar 2008
East Greenville, PA
Digital cable with on demand  more... close row
$ 60
Apr 2008
San Diego, CA
Digital cable tends to be expensive  more... close row
$ 121
Feb 2008
Pisctaway, NJ
Digital cable service and internet access  more... close row
$ 40
Apr 2008
Ashland, KY
Digital Cable Provider Requires 18 Month Contract  more... close row
$ 108
Apr 2008
San Diego, CA
Cable for three TVs plus HD  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
rK4OE0 <a href="http://kthmydrbjpks.com/">kthmydrbjpks</a&g  more... close row