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the Price of Pottery Classes for Kids

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$ 105
May 2008
Chicago, IL
vase, plate, bowl, mug and ashtray
Three months of once a week pottery classes for son  more... close row

Description of service

My son loves to make things for family members and for me. I wanted him to try something different this summer instead of staying inside watching TV. I found a wonderful place that had openings for a pottery class. I only paid $35 a month for the three months he took the class. My son went every Wednesday for a hour in a half. He got to make a plate, bowl, coffee mug, a vase and a ashtray. He got to paint them and when they was dry he would bring them home and give them away.

Review of Service

My son loved it there. He was able to use his mind and try new things. He got to give his grandparents some of the stuff he made. The lady there was a very sweet lady and was always happy to see the kids. I was very pleased with the class and how much my son learned. He can not wait until next summer.


There are so many different ways to keep your child active during the summer. Letting your child try different things will allow them to open their minds to so much more in life. A great way to find things like a pottery class is to look in your local phone book or ask your child school. This has been a great experience for my son and any parent who is not sure in what your child will like let them try new things. They will find something that will make them happy.

$ 125
Feb 2007
Wet clay pottery
Child's pottery class with parental involvement  more... close row
$ 25
Jun 2008
Tallmadge, OH
Ceramics class just for kids  more... close row
$ 124
Sep 2008
Delaware, OH
made a coffee mug and a worm
Price of child with chaperoning adult in pottery class  more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2008
Panama city,Fl
pottery bowls and cups
Non-pressuring pottery teacher for kids  more... close row
$ 135
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
wet clay, bowls and plates and vase
Four week pottery class for three kids  more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2008
Hilton, NY
Guided Classes
Four-week long pottery class for son  more... close row
$ 400
Apr 2007
Chicago, IL
Pottery classes for kids
Eight weeks of bad pottery lessons for daughter  more... close row
$ 75
Jul 2008
Ironton, Ohio
pottery (making and painting)
Three months of weekly pottery classes for son  more... close row
$ 135
Jul 2008
Mandeville. Louisiana
Children's Pottery Class
One week of pottery camp for kids  more... close row
$ 115
Aug 2008
Chicago, IL
Children's pottery class
6 week pottery class for daughter  more... close row
$ 75
May 2008
Coal Grove, Ohio
pottery, a bowl a vase, a turtle and a plate
Three months of pottery classes for son  more... close row
$ 60
Oct 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Pottery Class
I paid $60 for three Saturday pottery classes for my  more... close row
$ 20
Jul 2008
Brandon, Florida
Pottery for Children
Complete ceramics class for children  more... close row