Description of service
I paid $75 for a tooth bonding service to 3 of my teeth.The price included the bonding procedure and color match.I used a dental clinic for this because of the cheaper rates rather than a typical Dentist office with higher fees.
Review of Service
My teeth were horrible and still not right.i paid for a service to bond my three front teeth and for them to match accordingly to the coloration of my teeth.The staff seemed like they did not care as i expected and I felt the customer service could have been much better.I am paying them for a service but they had much attitude and other thoughts going on.When the specialist bonded my teeth I felt rushed and my teeth did not get the proper care through the procedure because of it.I thought I was getting a great deal but being cheap does not always pay off sometimes.
make sure when you have something personal done like your teeth that a well known dentist,with valuable feedback does your procedure.Just because the price sounds right does not mean the service or procedure will be too.check the board of denistry too.
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