Description of service
Bonding uses composite resins or porcelain/composite veneers to cover the surface of stained teeth and give a nice, even appearance to broken or misshapen teeth.teeth bonding is applied directly to the tooth and cured to its final hardness, usually with a light. In order to help the composite bond to the tooth, the tooth is prepared by lightly roughening the area to be repaired, which usually doesn't require anesthetic. Then the surface of the tooth is etched, a thin, clear bonding agent is applied, and then the composite is applied.
Review of Service
Teeth bonding gave my teeths entirely new look, My teeth was broken due to accident and was giving very bad appearance to my teeth. But with tooth bonding my teeth got new appearance and look nice too. Although tooth bonding is little expensive but totally worth.
# Brushing and flossing faithfully is fundamental. Also, avoid sweets or starchy foods between meals. Bonding holds up much better when it is clean.
# With extensive bonding work, maintenance becomes a much more important issue. I recommend frequent professional maintenance to help it keep its luster and stain resistance. But you need a dental hygienist who is skilled in bonding maintenance. A dental hygienist in the office of an expert cosmetic dentist usually has special training to be able to do this. Ordinary tooth cleaning techniques can easily damage your bonding by making it rougher. Special polishing pastes however, will restore the shine and help protect your bonding and make it look better and last longer.
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