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the Price of Driving Lessons

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$ 60
Jun 2006
Columbus, OH
Driving Lessons
Rude instructor in a group driving lesson  more... close row
$ 375
Apr 2007
Marysville, WA
Driving Lessons
6 weeks of driving lessons for daughter  more... close row
$ 175
Jun 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Summer driving course
Son aced the test after taking class  more... close row
$ 275
May 2007
Denver, CO
Driving lessons
Driving lessons as a gift for nephew  more... close row
$ 600
Sep 2008
Sharon, MA
basic driving training
Driving class not the best price around  more... close row
$ 300
Sep 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Automatic Transmission
Total of six hour-long driving lessons  more... close row
$ 425
Sep 2008
Rochester, NY
Driving lessons, full package
Five lesson package deal  more... close row
$ 250
Mar 2008
Chicago, IL
Driving Lesson
5 one hour driving lessons  more... close row
$ 150
Dec 2007
8 weeks of once a week driving lessons  more... close row

Description of service

The driving lessons were once a week on Saturday for 2 hours a day, and the program lasted 8 weeks. They took me and 2 other drivers out after an hour of teaching us what is wrong and what is right to do on the road, and we would alternate practicing the proper driving techniques. Sometimes we would stay in the classroom the whole 2 hours, and other days we would not crack open a book and just go work on the strategies to being a defensive driver that the teachers were trying to promote.

Review of Service

They were a little bossy in some cases and not very people friendly. When it came to your turn to drive they were always short with you and didn't want you wasting their precious time. Also the material they teach you during the lectures is very basic and you don't need to hear it from them because it is just common sense. However the driving experience with someone critiquing your every move was very useful because you never realize how many bad moves you make on the road that get you in trouble.


I would try and find a program that has female teachers instead of males teachers as mine had, or at least males who are not rude and yell when you make a mistake. Also try and get into a program and pre-register early because alot of the time you will get a discount for signing up a certain amount of time ahead of the starting day of the course as I did.

$ 275
Jun 2008
Boiling Springs, SC
Driving lessons for a beginner learning
Driving lessons improved daughters skills  more... close row