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$ 239
Mar 2008
Woodside, NY
High costs for mediocre services  more... close row
$ 57
Mar 2008
Fall River, MA
Internet and cable cheaper together  more... close row
$ 120
Mar 2008
Rapid City, SD
HD Cable with DVR and internet  more... close row
$ 95
Aug 2007
Garland, TX
Cable, internet and phone package  more... close row

Description of service

I ordered what was called a Triple Play package. Initially, the serivice provider stated that this consisted of a phone package, internet and cable TV. All for just 95.00! Great deal, however it took them five weeks to fully install all of the equipment and service packages.

Review of Service

Once it was finally installed, all was well for one week and my phone went dead. They scheduled service about a week later for the phone and never showed up. I called from my cell and asked what happened and they said that they called and no one answered. I asked what line was used and they said my home number. I gave them my cell when I originally called them because that was the only working phone. Needless to carry on, it took them another month to get the phone back working again. Then they charged me for the service which I couldn't use. I called the manager and he said that they were sorry and will issue a credit. This credit never happened.

The customer service was terrible and the equipment was worse. Till this day, I am still fighting a 200.00 bill they are charging for service I never had. The time my phone was out, I was getting charged. During this time, the modem went dead for two months. This was also being billed. To date, I refuse to pay for what I didn't get. The only thing that actually didn't give me trouble is the TV. Unless you count the unclear picture quality.


This service is terrible and I wouldn't wish their service on my worst enemy. I will be looking for better quality and better customer service.

$ 176
Mar 2008
Brooklyn, NY
High speed internet, cable, dvr and home phone  more... close row
$ 163
Apr 2008
Bronx.New york
Three services from one provider  more... close row
$ 135
Jan 2008
Pennsauken, NJ
HD Cable bundle  more... close row
$ 175
Aug 2007
New Baltimore, Michigan
Information package bundle  more... close row
$ 107
Jun 2008
Albany OR.
Digital Cable package with Phone, Cable and Internet  more... close row
$ 50
Aug 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Internet and cable bundle  more... close row
$ 136
Jan 2007
Bellmawr, NJ
Had to wait for installation  more... close row
$ 126
Apr 2008
Alexandria, VA
Information services plus HD add-on  more... close row