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the Price of a DUI Lawyer

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$ 1200
Mar 2007
Wilmington, DE
Lawyer for DUI charge when refused to take breathalyzer  more... close row
$ 2500
May 2007
youngstown ,ohio
Kind and understanding DUI lawyer  more... close row

Description of service

I was charged with a DUI where a blew a .1 in a state where the legal limit is .08. A hired a lawyer to defend me in my criminal case where i was going to plead innocent. My goals were to stay out of jail and try to retain my state drivers license.

Review of Service

The lawyer handled every aspect of the case from my initial appearance, to all the paper work and finally the plea bargain agreement. I never had to appear in front of the judge. Since I was 37 and it was my first DUI he arranged a deal where I would have to spend a weekend in a rehab driving school' and lose my license for a total of six months. With the license suspension I was allowed work privileges. I also was put on a one year probation. Compared to what punishment others have received from the state of Ohio I feel my attorney did a really good job. He was kind and understanding through out the entire process.


No matter what do not drink and drive. The best that can happen is that you get caught and pay a really steep financial price. The worst that can happen is that you kill yourself or someone else over stupidity.

$ 700
Jan 2008
Baltimore, MD
Lawyer for DUI charge  more... close row
$ 5500
Jun 2008
Port Angeles, WA
Good lawyer to help with relative's DUI  more... close row
$ 5000
Sep 2007
Tampa, FL
Lawyer seemed to truly care  more... close row
$ 2500
Jan 2008
East Lansing, MI
Paid for a friend's DUI lawyer  more... close row
$ 1500
Aug 2008
Tampa, Florida
DUI was dropped to a lesser charge  more... close row
$ 2500
May 2007
Lawyer for DUI was very good  more... close row
$ 3000
Mar 2007
Austintown, Ohio
Lawyer for first DUI  more... close row
$ 3000
Dec 2006
Bakersfield, CA
DUI reduced to Wet and Reckless  more... close row
$ 3500
Feb 2007
Milwaukee WI
Subpar lawyer for DUI case  more... close row