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the Price of a DUI Lawyer

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$ 1200
Mar 2007
Wilmington, DE
Lawyer for DUI charge when refused to take breathalyzer  more... close row
$ 2500
May 2007
youngstown ,ohio
Kind and understanding DUI lawyer  more... close row
$ 700
Jan 2008
Baltimore, MD
Lawyer for DUI charge  more... close row
$ 5500
Jun 2008
Port Angeles, WA
Good lawyer to help with relative's DUI  more... close row
$ 2500
Jan 2008
East Lansing, MI
Paid for a friend's DUI lawyer  more... close row
$ 5000
Sep 2007
Tampa, FL
Lawyer seemed to truly care  more... close row
$ 1500
Aug 2008
Tampa, Florida
DUI was dropped to a lesser charge  more... close row
$ 2500
May 2007
Lawyer for DUI was very good  more... close row

Description of service

I needed a lawyer to defend me in my DUI case where I blew a .10, which is .02 over the legal limit. I was in jeopardy of going to jail for six months,losing my drivers license for a year and a $2000 fine.

Review of Service

My attorney did a great job. I never even had to appear in front of the judge. He handled the case from initial appearance all the way through deposition. He arrived at a deal with the city prosecutor and brought it to me for approval. My fine would be $500. I would get no jail time for the first offense DUI, but I would have to go to a weekend alcohol awareness course. My drivers license were suspended for six months but I got work privileges after only fifteen days. I also accepted one year of unsupervised probation. This was a much better result than I thought it would be.


If you are ever unfortunate enough to get yourself into this situation make sure you get a good attorney who is experienced in DUI law. Ask friends and family if they have recommendations. If no one you know can help you try searching the internet for well known lawyers in your area. Typically a good lawyer will be honest if he or she is the best to handle your case. They may even recommend someone who is.

$ 3000
Mar 2007
Austintown, Ohio
Lawyer for first DUI  more... close row
$ 3500
Feb 2007
Milwaukee WI
Subpar lawyer for DUI case  more... close row
$ 3000
Dec 2006
Bakersfield, CA
DUI reduced to Wet and Reckless  more... close row