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the Price of Health Insurance from an HMO

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$ 750
Mar 2008
Richlandtown, PA
HMO plan for spouse and two children  more... close row
$ 134
Mar 2008
North Canton, OH
Happy with HMO health insurance  more... close row
$ 1000
Apr 2008
Anaheim, CA
HMO means must get appointment far in advance  more... close row
$ 556
Jan 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Monthly premium for two adults and three children  more... close row
$ 159
Jun 2008
Brockton, MA
Biweekly payment for HMO  more... close row
$ 218
Jul 2007
Sacramento, CA
Paying online saves money on payment  more... close row

Description of service

I pay $218 per month for my health insurance plan. If I pay online there is no additional fee. If I pay by phone I believe there is a $5 fee.

Review of Service

The service is pretty standard. Some of the customer service workers you reach by telephone are friendly and knowledgeable and some are less so. One of the things I respect about my insurance company is that its customer service call center is located in my city. There is no off-shore call center with operators you can barely understand. I loathe companies that are willing to subject their customers to service agents who are not fully conversant in English in order to maximize profits for their shareholders. Whenever possible I try to support local businesses and businesses that operate within (and adhere to the labor laws of) the United States.


Do your research. There is a national magazine that ranks colleges. They have an annual issue devoted to comparing health plans too. Be careful when comparing prices on the internet. You have to wade through a ton of private and commercial brokers sites before you start reaching the health plans directly or reaching less biased "side by side comparison" charts.

$ 140
May 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Additional coverage besides medicare  more... close row
$ 52
Jun 2008
Harrisburg, PA
Getting money's worth from HMO  more... close row
$ 450
Mar 2008
Alhambra, CA
HMO through employer  more... close row
$ 90
Jun 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Employees monthly contribution to HMO  more... close row
$ 955
Jun 2008
Lexington, KY
Highest level of coverage best if health concerns  more... close row
$ 240
Oct 2007
San Diego, CA
Individual Health Plan with large HMO  more... close row
$ 120
Apr 2008
Lincolnton, NC
Switching from PPO to HMO  more... close row
$ 40
Aug 2007
Bay City, Texas
Check HMO's consumer approval rating  more... close row
$ 320
Mar 2007
Warren, AR
Monthly premium for family from employer's HMO  more... close row
$ 293
Jun 2007
pines, fl
Price per month for HMO plan  more... close row
$ 8000
Feb 2007
San Francisco CA
Premium for a couple for one year  more... close row