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the Cost of Docking Fees

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$ 300
May 2008
Huntington, WV
Small Yacht
Cost for summer of docking  more... close row
$ 400
May 2007
West WIlldwood, NJ
14 foot fishing boat
Great service at the docks  more... close row
$ 600
Jul 2007
South Haven, MI
24 foot speed boat
Very expensive for one month of docking  more... close row
$ 70
May 2008
Arkadelphia, AR
16' aluminum fishing boat
Renting a dock for one week  more... close row

Description of service

We took our boat to a lake about an hour and a half from home. We knew we would be back the next weekend, and decided to rent a dock, rather than trailer it home and then back again. We were able to use a privately owned dock and even were able to store our trailer at a nearby garage for the $70 per week. The extra money we would have paid in gas to tow the boat and trailer more than made up for this price.

Review of Service

We didn't have a set time of day that we had to leave or get our boat and trailer. We left on a Sunday afternoon and were given the owner's name and telephone number so we could let him know before we arrived the next week. The only stipulation we were given was that he would be out from 4pm to 6pm the following Friday, and we couldn't get it then. Any other time was fine.


If you're in a town close to a popular lake or fishing spot on the river, the convenience stores will have postings up of docks available. Also, the people working in the convenience stores are sure to have heard all of the good (and bad) stories, so ask them for referrals.

$ 400
Jun 2008
Dover, Tn
6 months of docking fees for pontoon boat  more... close row
$ 300
Mar 2008
marathon, florida
32 mako
Price per month to dock boat  more... close row
$ 120
May 2008
San Diego, CA
6 footer
Monthly marina fee with no liveboard privileges  more... close row
$ 42
Mar 2008
Covington, Kentucky
Small House Boat
One month of docking fees on the Ohio River  more... close row
$ 400
May 2007
west wildwood
small fishing boat
Very convenient dock location  more... close row
$ 175
May 2006
Lake Powell
25'ft Cris craft
Docking for a weekend  more... close row