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the Cost of Docking Fees

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$ 300
May 2008
Huntington, WV
Small Yacht
Cost for summer of docking  more... close row
$ 400
May 2007
West WIlldwood, NJ
14 foot fishing boat
Great service at the docks  more... close row
$ 600
Jul 2007
South Haven, MI
24 foot speed boat
Very expensive for one month of docking  more... close row
$ 70
May 2008
Arkadelphia, AR
16' aluminum fishing boat
Renting a dock for one week  more... close row
$ 400
Jun 2008
Dover, Tn
6 months of docking fees for pontoon boat  more... close row
$ 300
Mar 2008
marathon, florida
32 mako
Price per month to dock boat  more... close row
$ 120
May 2008
San Diego, CA
6 footer
Monthly marina fee with no liveboard privileges  more... close row
$ 42
Mar 2008
Covington, Kentucky
Small House Boat
One month of docking fees on the Ohio River  more... close row
$ 400
May 2007
west wildwood
small fishing boat
Very convenient dock location  more... close row

Description of service

This dock was located about a block and a half away from our house. It was on the end if right at the bay. We had access to the boat 24/7. We also had access to the fresh water hose so that when we were done fishing or boating we were able to wash our boat down. There was also a place at the top of the dock that we could clean our fish. There was not a lot of docks so the area was not crowded.

Review of Service

The service was great. There was never a time that we could not use our boat. They owner of the docks also kept very good care of them. If there was boad that neededt obe replaced it was replaced immediately. It was a very clean location and only boat members and family and friends were allowed on the docks so it was not open to the general public.


Price around for different locations. If you can try and rent privately it makes it a nicer experience. If you are not sure were to rent check the local pages for locations. If not check with the locals in the area to see if they can recommend someone.

$ 175
May 2006
Lake Powell
25'ft Cris craft
Docking for a weekend  more... close row