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the Price of Basket Weaving Classes

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$ 25
Apr 2007
Bedford, Ohio
Basket Weaving for Beginners Class
Three session basketweaving class   more... close row
$ 45
Apr 2008
Asheville, NC
Traditional Basket Weaving Classes
Baskets made in traditional Ozark style  more... close row
$ 35
Jun 2008
Greentown, Indiana
Basket Weaving
Make sure your teacher is experienced in teaching  more... close row
$ 55
Jun 2008
Brighton, MI
"Antler Style" Basketweaving class
Basketweaving class a gift for wife  more... close row

Description of service

The service was an 8-week basketweaving class sponsored by our local community education group. I actually bought the class for my wife as part of a birthday gift. The class met once a week for 8 weeks, for a total of 8 sessions. Each class was a 1-hour session, and the $55 represents the fee for the class itself. You had to bring your own materials or have an option of purchasing those at an additional cost. The class specialized in "Antler-style" basketweaving which incorporates deer or other antlers into the basket.

Review of Service

The class went very well and the wife was happy! We have a number of cool baskets sitting around the house now too so it was a win-win! Nice rewarding hobby. Deer hunting is pretty big by us too, so it is nice to be able to throw some style into the traditional deer antler mounted on the mantle thing too. Very unique and appealing to incorporate the style into something like a basket.


My tip would be to ask around with friends in your neighborhood and see what others are saying about the class. I got this one was a tip from a friend, and the class was great!

$ 149
May 2007
Baton Rouge,Louisiana
Basket weaving is a lifelong skill  more... close row
$ 80
Jan 2008
Learning to weave baskets
Class taught by a Native American  more... close row
$ 0
Jul 2007
Dalton, OH
Free class with the purchase of materials  more... close row
$ 40
Feb 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Basket Weaving
Group basket weaving class with 20 people  more... close row
$ 15
Jul 2008
baldwinsville, NY
basket weaving class
Basket weaving class sponsored by local library  more... close row
$ 75
Apr 2007
Memphis, Tennessee
Beginner's Level Basket Weaving Class
Four week class not including materials  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
Portsmouth, Ohio
Basket Making
Wicker craft class is fun   more... close row