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the Price of Arts and Crafts Classes for Kids

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$ 90
Jan 2008
Dickson, TN
Sculpting and Pinting
Sculpting and painting class for kids got daughter messy  more... close row
$ 130
Apr 2008
Plainfield, IL
Arts and Craft Classes for kids
10 weeks of a fun arts and crafts class for kids  more... close row
$ 300
Jul 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Arts and Crafts Camp
One week of arts and crafts camp for daughter  more... close row
$ 20
Jul 2007
Madison, Al
Arts and Crafts Camp
Arts and crafts camp two hours per day  more... close row
$ 25
Mar 2007
Ashland, Ky
General arts and crafts
Arts and crafts class opens new world to daughter  more... close row
$ 5
Apr 2007
orlando, florida
craft classes
Thirty minute class offers various projects  more... close row
$ 400
Jul 2007
San Diego, CA
Day Camp
One week of arts and crafts day camp  more... close row
$ 75
Jun 2008
puppet making
Puppet making class for kids  more... close row
$ 65
Jun 2008
Ashland, Ky
Arts and crafts
Two month long arts and crafts class for son  more... close row
$ 30
Apr 2008
Lincolnton, NC
Multiple Types
Twice a week arts and craft lessons for kids  more... close row
$ 27
Jun 2008
Pine Bluff, AR
natural arts and crafts (using nature)
Friday and Saturday nature center crafts classes  more... close row
$ 10
Jul 2008
lansdale, pa
arts and crafts lessons
Wide range of crafts for kids  more... close row
$ 45
Jun 2008
Greenup, Ky
arts and crafts
Crafts better than watching TV for daughter  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
Asheville, NC
cardmaking for children
Free card making class for children  more... close row
$ 120
Nov 2007
Arts and Craft classes for kids
Children use different materials every week  more... close row
$ 5
Sep 2008
Rochester, NY
Craft Lessons- Lego Building
Two hour Lego construction class for small children  more... close row
$ 50
Aug 2008
Demarest, NJ
Arts and Crafts Classes for Kids
Paper mask making at kids craft class  more... close row
$ 65
Jun 2007
Louisville, KY
Art classes at a day camp
One week of arts and crafts camp  more... close row
$ 35
May 2008
Huntington, WV
arts and craft
Arts and crafts classes keep kids busy during summer  more... close row
$ 40
Dec 2006
Spartanburg, SC
painting pottery
Painting pottery party for kids  more... close row
$ 80
Jun 2007
bay city texas
arts and crafts class for grade school kids
Eight classes of arts and crafts lessons  more... close row

Description of service

arts and crafts classes offered by the city's parks and recreation classes. classes were 1 hour thirty minutes each session, twice a week for one month, for a total of eight classes for a total of eighty dollars. this price included the costs of materials which were simple arts and crafts materials including modeling clay, construction and tissue paper and plaster of paris for making a mold of a hand.

Review of Service

I was very pleased with this service because the teacher was eager to work with this age group, eight to twelve year olds. the class size was just about the right number for the teacher to handle, about twelve kids. the classes were appropriate for the age group, not too hard but challenging enough to hold their interest. because it was summer vacation the kids mostly wanted to have fun and the teacher made sure that they did. they were able to bring home the projects they worked on, something different each day of the class. The length of the class was just right, an hour and a half each session, because it wasn't so long that the kids got bored, and it was just twice a week.

The only recommendation i would have for doing things differently would be to offer some alternative projects to challenge the really serious kids who are more talented at art. i think this would have worked because those kids can work independently. the teacher did display a lot of enthusiasm for the subject. A field trip to an art museum or something similar would have been great but this is a small town without much culture to offer.

I think this was a very good value for the price of eighty dollars because it was eight lessons and included the materials so there were no additional charges. The Parks and Recreation department usually offers a summer program of activities for kids at a low price, and I was glad they included a creative activity like arts and crafts in addition to their usual offerings of swimming, soccer, etc.


My biggest tip would be to sign up early for summer classes for your kids, and be prepared to have alternative plans because in the past I've had classes get cancelled at the last minute for lack of participation, or classes might get filled up early.