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the Price of Group Therapy

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$ 0
Jul 2007
Columbus, OH
Free pet loss therapy group after death of two cats  more... close row

Description of service

After two of my cats died within one week of each other, I was an absolute mess. My veterinarian suggested that I attend a pet loss therapy group that met twice a week for a few weeks. The meetings were free and were held in a local community room at the library. The meeting was run by a retired veterinarian and had quite a few members who attended regularly. I went to the meetings once a week for about 5 months, until I felt I had "moved on" from the trauma of my loss. The meetings started much like any other group therapy session, where you would introduce yourself and why you were there. We shared the stories of our lives with our pets and how they died. We shared our feelings each week and how we were dealing with our grief and progressing toward healing. We kept journals and often shared entries by reading them aloud to the group.

Review of Service

I would DEFINITELY recommend this type of group therapy to anyone who has lost a beloved pet companion. My cats are my fur babies, as I do not have any human children, so losing one of them is horrible. Losing two in a week, unthinkable. This group really helped me to move on and learn to celebrate my cats' lives rather than mourn their loss. It helped me to get through the grieving period and not be alone in that grief, as many of my friends and family do not understand the depth of the love I have for my cats.


Do not be afraid to join one of these group therapy sessions. If you are open to them, they will help you immensely. You get to be with others of like mind and like situation, so you do not feel alone in your own problems. I made friends that I am still in contact with to this day via this therapy.

$ 400
Mar 2007
Olathe, Kansas
Price for 20 hours of group therapy well worth it  more... close row
$ 65
Mar 2007
San Diego, CA
Group therapy for overeating  more... close row
$ 75
Feb 2008
San Diego, CA
One session of group therapy for inner issues  more... close row
$ 15
Oct 2008
Rochester, NY
Group therapy for coping skills  more... close row
$ 79
Mar 2008
Greensboro, North Carolina
Group therapy that felt intrusive  more... close row
$ 30
Aug 2007
Thousand Oaks, CA
Copay for a week of three group therapy meetings  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2007
Delaware, OH
Christian weight loss group not for me  more... close row
$ 30
Oct 2008
Denver, CO
Group therapy for PTSD sufferers  more... close row
$ 25
Sep 2009
Auburn, Ny
Group therapy with 8 people and one facilitator  more... close row
$ 175
Jan 2009
Roslyn, NY
One month of weekly group therapy  more... close row