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the Price of Group Therapy

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$ 0
Jul 2007
Columbus, OH
Free pet loss therapy group after death of two cats  more... close row
$ 400
Mar 2007
Olathe, Kansas
Price for 20 hours of group therapy well worth it  more... close row
$ 65
Mar 2007
San Diego, CA
Group therapy for overeating  more... close row

Description of service

I went to a group therapy group that focused on dealing with issues via writing and sharing with the group. It was $65 per week. The session was between an hour and an hour a half.

Review of Service

I went to a therapy group that dealt with over eaters. Each week we started the session out by talking about how our weeks had been. Then we free wrote on a topic for 15 minutes or so. Those who wanted to share could. It was supposed to be an hour but it often went up to a half an hour over that time because people wanted a chance to share.

I don't know how effective it was as a healing experience. However, it did definitely get me thinking about things in a different way. The only complaint I had was that it was a 12 week session and if we missed more than one session we were kicked out, unless it was due to a medical emergency. It was a little difficult to fit into my schedule but I think it was worth it.


You should probably go into this kind of experience with the goal of just learning a little more about yourself rather than hoping to be completely cured in a matter of 12 weeks.

$ 75
Feb 2008
San Diego, CA
One session of group therapy for inner issues  more... close row
$ 15
Oct 2008
Rochester, NY
Group therapy for coping skills  more... close row
$ 79
Mar 2008
Greensboro, North Carolina
Group therapy that felt intrusive  more... close row
$ 30
Aug 2007
Thousand Oaks, CA
Copay for a week of three group therapy meetings  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2007
Delaware, OH
Christian weight loss group not for me  more... close row
$ 30
Oct 2008
Denver, CO
Group therapy for PTSD sufferers  more... close row
$ 25
Sep 2009
Auburn, Ny
Group therapy with 8 people and one facilitator  more... close row
$ 175
Jan 2009
Roslyn, NY
One month of weekly group therapy  more... close row