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the Price of a Dental Cleaning and Check-up

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$ 50
Feb 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Annual cleaning and checkup  more... close row
$ 162
Jan 2008
Fort Bragg, CA
Dental check up and x-rays  more... close row
$ 250
Jan 2008
New York, NY
Dentist office like a spa  more... close row
$ 70
Mar 2008
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Routine dental cleaning  more... close row
$ 135
Mar 2008
Washington, D.C.
Cleaning, x rays and exam  more... close row
$ 62
Oct 2007
Kansas City, Mo
Dental care at a dental college  more... close row
$ 108
Mar 2008
Bridgeport, WV
Bi-annual cleaning and oral evaluation  more... close row
$ 70
Nov 2007
Rocky River, Ohio
Cleaning and exam from the dentist  more... close row
$ 100
Apr 2008
Dearborn MI
Cost for one twice a year dental exam  more... close row
$ 87
Aug 2007
Oakland, CA
Routine check up and cleaning  more... close row
$ 40
Apr 2009
Ashland, Ky
Very pleasant and cheap dental cleaning  more... close row
$ 99
Oct 2007
Boiling Springs, SC
Full check up with x rays and cleaning  more... close row

Description of service

Oral Exam 24.00 Adult cleaning 52.00 xrays (2 films) 23.00 total 99.00 for a cleaning check up and xrays. My insurance covered all expenses. I don't have a deductible for preventive care.

Review of Service

The service recieved was prompt. I was very afraid I would have a slip get my gums. The person cleaning my teeth moved so swiftly... I was totally afraid I would be hurting before I left. However this was not the case. Job done and well. All for the fact I was shaking in my boots the whole time.


In this case I had insurance and I also had a fairly recent (EOB) from when my teenage daughter had a cleaning at school. So the claims person took a copy of it and charged an amount so I did not have to pay 7.00. Apparently they can do that. How ethical is it? I am not sure. But I do know they can charge a different amount when you pay cash. They can charge a different amount if you have a portion being paid in cash. Like a deductible. They can probably even charge a different amount if they give you a discount for having a new patient service record started. They can charge different if you were referred there. So I feel it must be just what they want to do in general.

$ 1400
Feb 2007
Cleaning, x rays and six fillings  more... close row
$ 400
Jun 2007
Akron, OH
Cleaning, examination, and filling a cavity  more... close row
$ 243
Mar 2008
Grand Rapids, MI
Initial consultation with a new dentist  more... close row
$ 149
Mar 2008
Canton, MI
Full dental exam with x-rays and cleaning  more... close row
$ 325
Sep 2007
Ft. Washington, MD
High price for quick view of mouth  more... close row