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the Cost of Hypnotherapy

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$ 50
Sep 2008
jackson, michigan
Outstanding hypnotherapy found in the phone book  more... close row
$ 500
Mar 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Smoking, nail biting
Hypnotherapy did not help to quit smoking  more... close row
$ 295
Jul 2008
Berkeley, CA
insomnia and disturbing dreams
Package of three hypnotherapy appointments  more... close row
$ 595
May 2008
Statesville, NC
Smoking Cessation
Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking  more... close row
$ 960
Sep 2006
Chicago, Illinois
anxiety disorder, specific phobia
Hypnotherapy for anxiety disorder  more... close row
$ 75
Sep 2008
Greensboro, North Carolina
Mood Disorder
Ineffective hypnotherapy session  more... close row
$ 175
Feb 2007
Louisville, KY
Phantom pain
Hypnotherapy attempted for phantom pain  more... close row
$ 110
Nov 2007
Littleton, CO
Hypnotherapy for various phobias  more... close row
$ 295
Sep 2007
Los Angeles,Ca
hynoesis of weight loss
Two sessions of hypnotherapy for weight control  more... close row
$ 95
Aug 2008
Berkeley, CA
One session of hypnotherapy for insomnia  more... close row
$ 130
Apr 2008
Louisville, KY
Smoking cessation
Hypnotherapy did not work for smoking cessation  more... close row
$ 150
Sep 2008
Pt Angeles, WA
Weight Control
Hypnotherapy for weight loss  more... close row

Description of service

Recently, attended a hypnotherapy session to help lose weight. The initial cost was $50.00 per session with a recommendation of 5 sessions. I took three for a total cost of $150.00

Review of Service

I attended three sessions of the hypnotherapy to lose weight. Each session lasted approximately 45 minutes. During this time, lights were turned low and it was completely quiet except for the therapist. There were two other people there for the same session.

The therapist spoke softly and had us focus on a penlight on the wall. He talked about our health and how we should make better choices in our eating. I never felt like I was completely under hypnosis although I was told we all were. It has seemed to help me some, I don't know if it is because of the hypnosis or just that I wanted to believe.


I read about this session in the local paper and it was sponsored by the city library. Therefore I felt it was reputable. The therapist was licensed and seemed to have all the creditentials. Would highly recommend checking sources out prior to using a hypnotist.