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the Price of a Basic Cooking Class

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$ 15
Feb 2008
Athens, Texas
General knowledge class
Cooking class not very hands on  more... close row
$ 220
Oct 2008
Boston, MA
Basic Cooking Skills
6 week class much like a mediocre cooking show  more... close row
$ 63
Dec 2008
Mesa, AZ
Holiday Appetizers
Learned how to make five holiday appetizers  more... close row

Description of service

The class fee paid for a three hour class and everything needed was provided. All the items for cooking and all the food were there, we didn't need to bring anything. We were in a class setting and the instructor went over the various items we would be preparing and how to make them. We made about five different appetizers that day in class.

Review of Service

The class was outstanding, and was very simple to follow. I liked how simple it was to follow along with the teachers and how easy they made it to duplicate what they were doing. They explained everything fully so that there was no confusion, and if anyone had questions, they were more than willing to stop and answer them. Once we began working on our own items, the instructor walked around and helped individaully and gave us tips on what we each could do to make our items better.


If you are looking for cooking classes check with you local community colleges first and make sure not to contact a culinary art school instead of simple cooking classes. I almost got enrolled into a six month program. I wish i had known more about cooking before taking this class, it would have helped to expirament around the kitchen more, it would have definately helped.

$ 40
May 2008
Overland Park, KS
Basic Cooking Class
Cooking and wine pairing class made a great birthday gift  more... close row
$ 110
Mar 2007
Atlanta Georgia
Beginners Cooking Class
Beginning cooking class for daughter  more... close row
$ 75
Feb 2008
Saratoga Springs, NY
Basic Class/Foundation
General basics of cooking class  more... close row
$ 85
Feb 2008
Louisville, KY
Basic cooking class
Fundamentals of cooking class was hands off  more... close row
$ 100
Dec 2008
San Francisco, CA
very basic
total of 8 hours of cooking class helped a lot  more... close row
$ 80
Sep 2006
Stockton, California
Cooking class
Two hour knife skills class  more... close row
$ 306
Dec 2008
Gainesville, FL
12 Customized Meals & Cooking Lessons
12 lessons with three entrees learned per lesson  more... close row
$ 165
Apr 2008
Farmingdale, NY
General American Cuisine
Cooking and presentation of American food  more... close row
$ 100
Nov 2008
Staten Island NY
Basic Cooking Skills
Nice small cooking class to cook entire meal  more... close row
$ 105
Mar 2008
beginning basic cooking class
Three sessions of basic cooking classes  more... close row
$ 200
Jun 2008
Providence, Rhode Island
Introduction to Cooking Class
8 week casual cooking class  more... close row
$ 20
Mar 2009
Denver, CO
basic saute
Basic cooking class for sauteeing  more... close row
$ 65
Aug 2008
Huntington, WVa
From scratch basics
Gift of a cooking class  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
Fort Smith, AR
It was a basic foreign food class.
Basic foreign food cooking class  more... close row