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the Price of a Nanny

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$ 500
Jun 2008
Cranston, Rhode Island
2 children, ages 9 and 2
Children adore nanny  more... close row
$ 350
Jul 2007
Hastings, Florida
10, 9
The nanny really clicked with the children  more... close row
$ 36000
Jun 2008
Rancho Santa Fe, California
Yearly salary for nanny averaging 5 days a weeks  more... close row
$ 450
Jun 2008
Los Angeles, CA
3 children- ages 12, 8, 4
Long interviewing process paid off in the end  more... close row
$ 18
Jul 2008
Los Angeles. CA
3 kids ages 7, 4 & 20 months
Hourly rate for wonderful kind nanny  more... close row
$ 100
May 2008
Prairie City
two 1 yr old twins
Nanny best option for every other week custody  more... close row
$ 500
Aug 2006
Weston, FL
2 children, ages 6 months, and 2 1/2 years
Make sure you do a background check  more... close row
$ 50
Feb 2008
Nanny deals with 5 kids under 5 for $50 per hour  more... close row

Description of service

I pay our nanny $10/per hour per child. While she is with our kids, she is also privy to any of our houses perks. Our pool, our chef, anything she would like to eat or drink. With 5 kids under 5, it is too hard to get them all out of the house at once, so she mostly just stays and plays with them. Gets them ready for naps, watches videos, plays in the pool. Nothing too over the top, but she is great with them. I am often there because 5 kids is just a lot.

Review of Service

She is great. Anyone that will deal with my 5 kids and has not run away screaming and crying is a gift from god. But we do set ground rules with her that she more than obeys. She is not allowed to drive them, I am paranoid and she respects that. I also trust her with everything and I think that is the only way it works.


Find a good reliable nanny, who will use your parenting methods and respects your wishes. While it is difficult to find it needs to be someone who not only your kids like, but you adore. I don't know what we would do without our nanny. I would probably be in a mental institution.

$ 300
Jul 2008
Louisville, KY
Nanny gives parents much needed time to themselves  more... close row
$ 125
Apr 2007
Green, OH
two- 4 and 10 months
Ended up being about five dollars an hour for nanny  more... close row
$ 600
Apr 2008
Valrico, Florida
One child, age two
One week of nanny for preschool child  more... close row
$ 500
Jun 2007
Uniontown, OH
2 children: age 4 and age 1
Price over room and board for three months of nanny  more... close row
$ 10
Dec 2006
norfolk, virginia
one child 5 years old
Amazing older nanny  more... close row