Description of service
They offer beginning instruction and technique for jazz dance, as well as other types and styles of dance. Private and group classes, learning routines, and performing routines.
Review of Service
Jazz classes are always a lot of fun, and very interesting and entertaining to take. I used to dance in high school, and now only take an occasional beginning class to keep things fresh and my body limber. This class was a great beginning class because it didn't move too quickly, but I didn't spend a whole lot of time on techniques that I already knew. Everybody was about the same skill level, so I didn't feel like I was holding anybody back, or moving too quickly for that matter. There were adults from ages 18-45 in the class, so I wasn't feeling strange taking a class with children, and only about eight students in the class. The music we used was fresh and new, and the instructors were patient and knowledgeable. I can't wait until my next class!
Be sure you are taking the right skill level for you. It is safer to take a lower level class and then move up if need be than it is to try something that may be too hard for you. Be sure to practice outside of class if you want to retain anything and remain limber. It is certainly a "use it or lose it" thing!
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