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the Cost of Dental Care for Cats

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$ 150
Sep 2006
Memphis, Tennessee
Domestic Cat
Cat was knocked out to have teeth cleaned  more... close row

Description of service

This is the price we paid to have our cat's teeth examined and cleaned by our veterinarian. Unfortunately, our cat did not allow our vet to clean her teeth while she was awake! So, this price also includes the cost of anesthesia to have her put to sleep during the procedure. The price also included a dental kit for our cat that included a cat tooth brush, toothpaste, dental treats, and a small booklet detailing methods to keep your feline friend's teeth clean.

Review of Service

We had to have this done because we thought she might have a cavity. She didn't, but we still thought it was a good idea to go ahead and have her teeth cleaned while we were there. They did a great job and we were glad she was put to sleep for the cleaning! The dental kit was a nice touch, but we honestly have never used the toothbrush or paste. However, the dental treats do seem to keep her teeth healthier.


Ask your veterinarian if they recommend having your cat's teeth cleaned. Many cats never need this procedure done, but as they get older it is sometimes necessary. Also, find out if they think anesthesia is a possible option for your cat.

$ 211
Feb 2008
Spokane, WA
Domestic Long Hair Cat
Hoping to prevent future dental problems in cat  more... close row
$ 750
Feb 2008
Prattville, Alabama
Maine Coon Cat
Dental cleaning and tooth pulling for cat  more... close row
$ 800
Jan 2008
San Francisco, California
Highly involved dental procedure for cat including anesthesia  more... close row
$ 210
Mar 2007
Chicago, Illinois
House cat
Rescue cat anesthetized for dental work  more... close row
$ 85
Jan 2008
Monticello, AR
domestic short hair (cat)
Cat's teeth are white again  more... close row
$ 125
Mar 2007
Huntington, WV
Tabby Cat
Children knocked out cat's tooth  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
San Diego, CA
Better to feed cat dry food  more... close row
$ 400
Feb 2007
Allentown, PA
domestic house cat
Cat needed root canal for broken tooth  more... close row
$ 155
Jun 2007
Sequim, WA
Adult cat
Teeth cleaning and extraction  more... close row
$ 250
Dec 2007
Austin, Texas
Vet and assistant both great with cats  more... close row
$ 175
Aug 2006
Tampa, FL
stray, house cat
Learned a lesson from previous cat's infection  more... close row
$ 50
Jan 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Teeth cleaning for cat from a shelter  more... close row