Description of service
The first teeth cleaning for a 7-year old cat. The removal of large plaque deposits on teeth on both sides of mouth. Mouth X-rays. Extraction of two teeth that had deep cavities that had nearly exposed the nerves. Anethesia for the extractions. Antibiotics and pain medication for afterwards.
Review of Service
The vet came highly recommended, with the indication that he was not cheap. The office staff were wonderful and helpful and patient with a very upset cat. The doctor spent quality time with me, explaining what he was looking for and what he saw on the x-rays. The doctor called me at work after the surgery to let me know that the cat was okay and that everything went well. The doctor also called me at home the next day to follow-up.
Anethsesia for animals is a difficult science, since the patient can't really indicate their status. My cat had hugely dilated pupils the day after the surgery, which seemed unnatural. According to the doctor, this was due to a slight over-dosage of the tranquilizer meds. He assured me that it was not uncommon and that it would go away over a couple of days. Which it did.
The procedure required a couple of stitches, which would dissolve over time. However, for the first few days after the surgery, the cat would make faces and attempt to pull something unseen out of its mouth. Again the doctor said that this was not uncommon, and after the stiches dissolved, the strange behavior would stop. Which it did.
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