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the Price of a Mouth Guard

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$ 350
Mar 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Fitting for a custom mouth guard  more... close row
$ 600
Feb 2006
Dublin, OH
Mouth guard saved front tooth  more... close row
$ 175
Jun 2006
Milpitas, CA
Bite guard made a huge difference in dental health  more... close row
$ 310
Jan 2008
Fort Worth
Dentist made sure that mouth guard was very comfortable  more... close row
$ 450
Jul 2007
Mesa, AZ
One piece mouthguard for teeth grinding  more... close row
$ 475
Oct 2006
Oakland, CA
Mouth guard for clenching and grinding  more... close row
$ 350
May 2008
Ten Sleep, WY
Cost for fitting and mouth guard  more... close row
$ 1800
Aug 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Mouth guard helped with accident-induced TMJ  more... close row
$ 75
Jan 2009
Charleston, SC
Mouth guard got rid of tension headaches  more... close row
$ 350
Jul 2007
Fort Worth, TX
Creation of a bruxism mouth guard  more... close row
$ 450
Aug 2008
Carlisle, PA
Mouth guard for TMJ complications  more... close row
$ 600
Sep 2008
Belleville, Michigan
Mouth guard for upper front teeth  more... close row
$ 400
May 2007
Chicago, IL
Mouth guard was more expensive than previously thought  more... close row
$ 350
Jan 2009
Kingston, NY
Night guard not covered by insurance  more... close row
$ 25
Jan 2009
Brighton, CO
Price after insurance of a night mouth guard  more... close row
$ 45
Jan 2009
ashland, Ky
Pediatric mouthguard for son  more... close row
$ 40
Dec 2007
Denver, CO
Unnecessary mouth guard  more... close row
$ 25
Jul 2007
Orlando, Florida
Co-pay for mouth guard to fit over braces  more... close row

Description of service

I played on a football team in the Summer of 2007. We were required by to wear mouth guards to play, but I couldn't fit one they gave me in my mouth. I went to a dentist to help make a mold of a rubber mouth guard. It was a pretty simple service, which was fast and relatively inexpensive. If you have ever taken an impression then it is basically the same concept. They put the gooey stuff in a mold and make you hold it in your mouth until it solidifies. It worked out and fit easily into my mouth over my braces.

Review of Service

The services was adequate and I was content with the results. Since it only took about twenty minutes, I didn't expect it to cost very much. The price was almost $30, but you are probably paying more for the dentist's time than the actual product. I would expect most prices for this service to be between $20 and $30 dollars.


If you have braces or some other issue with having a mouth guard I would definitely recommend this. You don't really have to make an appoint very far ahead of time; just call the office and they can usually squeeze you in. It is a really short appointment. Good luck.

$ 200
Mar 2008
Seattle, WA
Finally choosing a professionally created mouth guard  more... close row