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the Price of Voice Lessons

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$ 50
Jan 2008
Tucson, AZ
Voice Lessons
Lesson was recorded as a practice guide  more... close row
$ 50
Feb 2008
San Diego, CA
Voice Lessons
Price for 90 minute voice lesson  more... close row
$ 400
Jun 2008
Warwick, Rhode Island
Voice Lessons
Cost of voice lessons per month  more... close row
$ 60
Jan 2008
Berkeley, CA
Music teacher teaching voice lessons for extra money  more... close row
$ 90
Jan 2008
New York, New York
Musical theater voice coach insists on practice  more... close row
$ 45
May 2007
Newtown, CT
Vocal Lessons
Half hour lessons from former Broadway performer   more... close row
$ 450
Mar 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Voice Classes
Voice lessons three times a week for a month  more... close row
$ 15
Apr 2008
Dillon, Montana
One hour long voice lessons from a PhD  more... close row
$ 125
Apr 2009
Marysville, WA
A month of voice lessons, including homework  more... close row
$ 45
Apr 2007
palm beach gardens florida
private voice lessons
Know voice instructor before taking lessons  more... close row

Description of service

I took private classical vocal lessons from an experienced tutor in my area. Each lesson was $45 an hour or $25 a half an hour. The curriculum included vocal techniques-diction, projection, breath control, and pitch, as well as musicianship and history of music. I was required to keep my own paperwork and supply my own tapes for class recordings and music recordings. I was at a beginner level.

Review of Service

My instructor took a great deal of time assessing my current knowledge and natural ability. She was very thorough on each aspect listed above, especially diction and projection. Each week we would review last week's lesson as well as learn new vocal scales and work with new music. She was very patient and used her time with me in an extremely efficient manner. She supplied me on my first day with numerous handouts as well as two songs on sheet music with the accompianment on a recorded tape. I was required to provide additional tapes for the the rest of the lessons.


It is very important to make sure you know your instructor well before taking private lessons. Assess their professional work, as them thier teaching techniques and speak with other students before agreeing to work with them. An experienced instructor should be able to provide references from other students. Also, as with any study, do your homework every day so that you can get the most from your time with the instructor and are not spending money to simply practice- this should be done on your free time.

$ 30
Apr 2008
Dallas, Texas
private voice lessons
40 minute voice lesson in teacher's home  more... close row
$ 60
Aug 2007
Huntington, WV
singing lessons
Price per month for private singing lessons  more... close row