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the Price of Voice Lessons

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$ 50
Jan 2008
Tucson, AZ
Voice Lessons
Lesson was recorded as a practice guide  more... close row
$ 50
Feb 2008
San Diego, CA
Voice Lessons
Price for 90 minute voice lesson  more... close row
$ 400
Jun 2008
Warwick, Rhode Island
Voice Lessons
Cost of voice lessons per month  more... close row
$ 60
Jan 2008
Berkeley, CA
Music teacher teaching voice lessons for extra money  more... close row
$ 90
Jan 2008
New York, New York
Musical theater voice coach insists on practice  more... close row

Description of service

This is the price of a half-hour lesson with a vocal coach in New York City. The lessons are for an adult - this teacher does not take children as students unless they are already performing professionally. This is a Broadway voice coach, meaning he works strictly with singers who perform in musical theater. He does not teach classical music or vocalises. These lessons are more geared to someone who has already learned all of the basics of singing like breathing, tone, pitch, etc. These particular lessons focus on song styling and expanding the singer's range. The lessons are for 30-minutes, but the teacher will spend some of his own time if you provide him with MP3 recordings so he can listen to some of your work and critque it at your next lesson. The lesson consists of a very brief warmup and the remainder is spent working on one to two songs focusing on style, character, and projection.

Review of Service

When you are taking lessons at this level, the teacher expects that you are working every day on your music and he will not take on students who are not serious about their work. My lessons usually run closer to 45 minutes - the teacher respects the fact that I travel three hours round trip for my lessons, so he gives me a little extra time to reward my committment. This is a very expensive day for me - in addition to my lesson, I also have to pay for railroad transportation and the subway. This level of expertise, however, is only available to me in the city. This man has worked with some of the greatest Broadway stars and composers, and I appreciate his knowledge of technique and willingness to share it. Prsonally, I think it is a bargain. I have already added some notes to my vocal range.


Do not insult your music teacher by not practicing between lessons. A good quality teacher will have students waiting for them to have an opening and they are unlikely to tolerate you showing up to lessons unprepared. Check with the music department at your local college or university for a recommendation for a voice teacher. Most teachers focus on classical music -- really the ideal way to learn voice and breath control as well as diction. Don't be afraid to speak up, though, if there is another style of music you are pursuing.

$ 45
May 2007
Newtown, CT
Vocal Lessons
Half hour lessons from former Broadway performer   more... close row
$ 450
Mar 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Voice Classes
Voice lessons three times a week for a month  more... close row
$ 15
Apr 2008
Dillon, Montana
One hour long voice lessons from a PhD  more... close row
$ 125
Apr 2009
Marysville, WA
A month of voice lessons, including homework  more... close row
$ 45
Apr 2007
palm beach gardens florida
private voice lessons
Know voice instructor before taking lessons  more... close row
$ 30
Apr 2008
Dallas, Texas
private voice lessons
40 minute voice lesson in teacher's home  more... close row
$ 60
Aug 2007
Huntington, WV
singing lessons
Price per month for private singing lessons  more... close row