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the Price of Karate Classes

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$ 120
Jun 2008
Auburn NY
One month of beginning level karate  more... close row
$ 250
Sep 2007
Atlanta, GA
Three months of unlimited classes  more... close row
$ 20
Jun 2007
Chicago, IL
Week of Karate Classes  more... close row
$ 675
Aug 2008
Chicago, IL
12 week beginning karate class  more... close row
$ 150
Jun 2008
Pickerington, Ohio
Learning self-defense after mugging   more... close row
$ 140
Nov 2008
Eugene, Oregon
Three months of unlimited karate classes  more... close row
$ 100
Jan 2007
Los Angeles, CA
One month of unlimited classes   more... close row
$ 79
Jan 2009
Massapequa Park, NY
Twice weekly lessons for a month  more... close row
$ 140
Apr 2007
San Diego, CA
Beginner's level
One month of beginning karate classes  more... close row
$ 120
Oct 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
Karate classes which help with weight loss  more... close row
$ 150
Mar 2007
Twice a week lessons for a month  more... close row
$ 85
Sep 2008
Basic karate/self defense
Twice weekly karate classes for a month  more... close row
$ 100
Jul 2008
San Francisco, CA
One month of twice a week karate classes  more... close row

Description of service

This was the second time i had joined a professional institute for learning karate. The fee to be paid was $100. Altough the fee was more, but i managed to get it reduced as i di not take from the institute any of the material such as belt, t shirt, etc. The classes were to be held twice a week for a duration of two hours each. This fee was for a month of learning karate.

Review of Service

I don't think that the service that i got was very good. There were a lot of people in a single batch and i believe that the instructor and his assistants were not able to pay attention to all the students. They focussed only on those who performed well; others were just paying the fee without getting anything useful. Also there was complete lack of punctuality. Most of the times, they came late and finished the class 15 to 20 minutes before time.


I would suggest you people to go for some trial classes before actually enrolling yourself for karate lessons. Also, it would be better if you buy the karate kit (dress) from some place other tha nthe institute. Also look for the discount offers tha tare usually prevalent at such places.

$ 100
Dec 2008
Hershey, PA
One months of three times a week karate class  more... close row
$ 100
Feb 2008
Sandy Springs,GA
Karate-self defense
Six 40-minute long karate classes  more... close row
$ 167
Feb 2008
Boerne, Texas
Monthly fee for karate classes  more... close row