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the Price of Hospital Stays

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$ 1200
May 2007
New York City
3 days
Private room in upscale university-hospital  more... close row
$ 250
Apr 2006
Redwood City, CA
9 nights
HMO great provider for brain surgery  more... close row
$ 10027
Nov 2006
Redlands, CA
Three days/nights
Nurses great, doctors and prices not great  more... close row
$ 38500
Jan 2008
Pulaski, VA
4 days
Great nurses made hospital stay even better  more... close row
$ 20000
Mar 2007
Cocoa Beach Florida
6 days
Stroke patient charged for services not received  more... close row

Description of service

A family member for whom I am responsible was hospitalized in the local hospital. They were in a coma and never regained consciousness. The room was a semi private room but no one ever was put in the other bed. This gave us, the family, the opportunity to stay in the room with our loved one. Nurses and different doctors came in at all hours.

Review of Service

I feel the service was good and they cared and were kind to our loved one. As for all the doctors coming in, I was never asked if it was all right or even told what they were here for. We did receive a bill for each and everyone of them. The patient was diagnosed with a stroke and we were told they would probably not regain consciousness again. So why keep sending in different specialists if only to bill us for nothing. Hospice did come in and help us put a stop to all this. After our loved one passed on, we received the bill and I requested an itemized bill. The hospital had charged for things and services never received. Three meals a day were charged even though the patient was comatose. They charged for sanitary napkins, the patient was a male. When I contacted them I was told they do this all the time to help compensate for those that don't have insurance or can't pay.


Whenever you or a family member are admitted in a hospital, always ask for an itemized list of services. Do this even if you have insurance. Question every line of charges.

$ 11742
Dec 2007
new brunswick, nj
7 days
The above amount was charged by the hospital for a  more... close row
$ 25000
Apr 2006
Nashville, TN
two weeks
Scared but medical staff were helpful  more... close row
$ 2169
May 2006
Birmingham, AL
36 hours
Inpatient Allergy treatment trial   more... close row
$ 1750
Feb 2008
Gallatin, TN
7 days
Seven day hospital stay taught dad many things  more... close row
$ 7500
Mar 2008
battle creek
23 hour stay
Treated well although no insurance  more... close row
$ 6845
Nov 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ
3 days
Very poor care in hospital  more... close row
$ 4370
Dec 2007
Seattle ,WA
2 days
ER visit turned into overnight hospital stay  more... close row
$ 64000
Nov 2007
Springfield, Tennessee
4 days
Nurses were comforting in postpartum care  more... close row
$ 7000
Jan 2008
Sanford, Maine
2 days
Delivery and postnatal care  more... close row