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the Price of Guitar Lessons

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$ 20
Mar 2008
Morro Bay, California
Half hour weekly guitar lessons  more... close row
$ 45
May 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Weekly one on one guitar lessons  more... close row
$ 150
Feb 2007
Dallas, TX
Guitar lessons
Six one hour guitar lessons  more... close row
$ 25
May 2008
Lynchburg, VA
Guitar Lessons
Hour of advanced personalized guitar lessons  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
San Diego, CA
Guitar lessons
Price of one one-hour lesson per week  more... close row
$ 15
Feb 2008
Brighton, MI
guitar lessons
Weekly one hour guitar lessons given by high school student  more... close row
$ 50
Apr 2008
Dearborn MI
One month of eight guitar lessons per month  more... close row
$ 230
Jun 2008
New York, New York
Six guitar lessons over three weeks  more... close row
$ 35
Jan 2008
Frederick, Maryland
Guitar Lessons
Half hour of guitar lessons each week  more... close row

Description of service

The service I have used is the service of taking guitar lessons. The lessons were half an hour each week in the evening. I supplied my own guitar, but was allowed to use the instructor's amplifier and cord. I purchased all lessons and music books and I purchased all sheet music.

Review of Service

The quality of service I received was excellent. The instructor let me select exactly what music I wanted to learn and play. This made me want to practice more because I was playing the music I wanted to play, not nursery rhyme songs or elementary songs. My instructor also realized that I wanted to play for myself and not to go into guitar playing professionally. The instructor kept the learning and theory portions limited, so I would not lose interest. My instructor let me finger pick the guitar instead of using a pick, which is something I requested. Even though he always used a pick, he never minded me not using a pick. My instructor was extremely patient and occasionally I had to reschedule and that was not a problem for him, as long as he could fit me in.


Always learn and play music that you want to play. It will keep your attention span much longer and will make you want to practice more. My first guitar piece was Stairway to Heaven, which is a little difficult. Because I loved this song, I worked even harder at it and practiced more.

$ 25
Jun 2008
Barberton, OH
Price per guitar class for four year old  more... close row
$ 76
Jun 2006
San Diego, CA
Guitar Lessons
Three sessions taught guitar basics  more... close row
$ 15
Feb 2009
Cambria, CA
Guitar Lessons
Mixed feelings about basic guitar lessons  more... close row
$ 125
Dec 2007
Wellington, FL
Guitar Lessons
Monthly fee for one-on-one guitar lessons  more... close row
$ 20
Mar 2008
Tempe, AZ
Guitar lessons from graduate student  more... close row