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the Price of Oncology

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$ 80000
Aug 2008
New Orleans, LA
breast cancer
Uninsured patient ran up a huge bill  more... close row
$ 3000
Sep 2007
Milwaukee, WI
Gynecological oncologist  more... close row
$ 76000
Nov 2008
Oncologist, Bone Marrow Transplant for Lymphoma
Intensive lymophoma treatment  more... close row
$ 13900
Apr 2007
houston, texas
gynecological oncologist for invasive cervical cancer
Great service except for one frightening nurse  more... close row
$ 175000
Jan 2007
Minneapolis, MN
Abdominal Cancer
Surgery and chemotherapy for cancer  more... close row
$ 335
Mar 2009
La Crosse, WI
Grandmother in stage 4 colon cancer  more... close row
$ 12000
Apr 2008
Dallas, Texas
Oncologist who specialized in my type of cancer  more... close row
$ 225
Oct 2007
marrero, la
breast cancer
Friendly comforting staff for breast cancer patient  more... close row
$ 14000
Nov 2008
San Francisco, CA
Oncology- Brest tumor
Oncology care for tumor in wife's right breast  more... close row
$ 400
Aug 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Oncologist consultant after malignant mole  more... close row
$ 25000
Apr 2008
austin ,Texas
Treatment delivered in a caring manner  more... close row
$ 300
Feb 2006
Columbus, OH
testicular cancer exam
Family history of cancer  more... close row
$ 85000
Apr 2007
Akron, Ohio
Doctor specialized in my type of cancer  more... close row
$ 75
Jun 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
Payment plan for prostate cancer treatment  more... close row
$ 2000
Jun 2007
Presque Isle, Maine
Cystoscopy to diagnose bladder cancer   more... close row

Description of service

I had to get a cystoscopy, which is a viewing of the urethra and bladder by a urologist. The price was mainly medical fees incurred from a 45-minute procedure.

Review of Service

I was once urinating with quite a lot of blood in it, and I had to get a scope done of my urethra and bladder. One is not allowed to eat for about 12 hours before the surgery, and that seems to be the hardest part about it. My surgery was delayed because the good doctor was removing a bladder cancer beforehand and he went into a two-hour overtime in which the man nearly lost his life. Once I got to the prep room, I was to remove my clothing, don hospital clothing, and get on an IV line. The anesthesiologist came over and injected something into the IV, and my family said I became quite altered after that. I just remember going into the surgery and coming out feeling like I really had to pee. The urologist showed me some pictures of the procedure, told me that everything turned out alright, and that I didn't have bladder cancer, and that I was free to go after I produced something like 300 ml of urine. Remember how I said that the not eating part was the hardest? Forget that, this was the worst. It took me 2 hours and several tries, but I finally filled the measuring cup, and was free to go. It may have been a slight ordeal, but the peace of mind was enough to cover all the costs.


I'd recommend somebody go and get the procedure if it is recommended by the doctor, as it's one of the best ways to know if one has bladder cancer.

$ 150
Jan 2009
Westminster, CO
Compassionate, goal-oriented oncologists  more... close row
$ 28000
Sep 2006
Marrero, LA
6 weeks of radiation therapy  more... close row
$ 16938
Sep 2007
marrero, la
6 weeks of radiation treatment for breast cancer  more... close row
$ 25000
Feb 2008
Gainesville, FL
Oncology/Cancer Department
One full year of cancer treatment and some hospiotal stays  more... close row
$ 200
Apr 2009
Charlotte, NC
One office visit for oncology bloodwork  more... close row