Description of service
My old bike was nice, but had a bent tire and the seat was worn and the brakes were loose. I brought it in and had it overhauled. They straightened the wheel, fixed up the brakes, put on a new bike seat, and gave it a much needed bath. I hadn't had the bike into a shop for a long, long time, so this isn't even something you need to do yearly, necessarily, depending on how rough you are on your bike, and how often you ride, etc. You can probably get away with having this done only every couple of years or so.
Review of Service
The service seemed great for the prices. Unfortunatly my bike seat was stolen because they used one that is removed with only a clasp. Other than having to get another seat cover, I am still happily riding it and have had no problems in the year since they fixed the wheel and the brakes. Both work just perfectly.
If possible, get a full bike seat put in, if you need a new one. Don't just get a cover because it is very easy to steal these, whereas the full post takes time to remove. Other than that, as always, I recommend going o the smaller places. They are usually cheaper and they need the support more than the guys with the big neon signs.
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