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the Cost of Maintenance for Mountain Bikes

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$ 15
Oct 2007
Tucson, AZ
Trek, Black and Grey, about 2 years old
Brake adjustment for mountain bike  more... close row
$ 35
Mar 2008
Richmond, VA
2001 KHS X204 Mountain Bike
Mountain bike tune up  more... close row
$ 10
Oct 2007
Alameda, CA
Mongoose mountain bike, at least 5 years old
New innertube installed  more... close row
$ 150
Apr 2008
Phoenix, AZ
3 year old full suspension mountain bike
Rebuilding and tuning bike shocks  more... close row

Description of service

The cost covered rebuilding and tuning the front and rear shocks including any necessary consumable parts (shock oil, springs, pistons, seals, etc) and labor. Cost was $75 per shock absorber.

As a full service bike shop they sell a variety of bikes, clothing, and parts and accessories. They're also equipped for just about any bike maintenance task short of complete repaints. Prices vary depending on how long the parts needed for repairs and the time to do them.

Review of Service

After maybe half a day's riding on the trails northeast of town, the rear shock blew out a seal, showering me and the bike in oil, and leaving the rear end. I had to walk the bike out. The good news I got when I took it to the bike shop the next day was that I didn't break anything important, bad news was that I'd set it up wrong and that was a big part of what caused the blowout. Too much air pressure (way over spec) in the spring, valving cranked way too far to the hard end of the scale.

While I was there I had them do the front suspension fork as well. Took an overnight wait to get it fixed, but I didn't mind much as I didn't plan on riding until the next weekend. When I got the bike back, I was surprised at how soft they'd set the suspension. It did ride much better, though, and felt more composed on the trail after their setup work.


Proper maintenance is your friend, as is following manufacturer's specs for torque and air pressure and what not. The specs are conservative, of course, but they've still had quite a bit of thought put into them.

$ 58
Mar 2008
Belingham, WA
'06 Kona Stinky, Freeride Bike
Full season start maintenance improved bike performance  more... close row
$ 60
Mar 2007
Chicago, Illinois
3 year old mountain bike
General tune up made bike work well again  more... close row
$ 10
Jun 2007
Alameda, CA
mountain bike
Changing tires on mountain bike  more... close row
$ 6
Jul 2007
Alameda, CA
mountain bike
New inner tube for mountain bike  more... close row
$ 60
Mar 2007
Boise, ID
21 Speed Mountain Bike
Brakes and chain repaired on mountain bike  more... close row
$ 90
Jun 2007
La Crosse, WI
Older Raleigh Mountain Bike
Overhaul made bike look much better  more... close row
$ 45
Apr 2008
Austin, Texas
Trek Mountain Bike, one year old
Bent tire rim when trying to show off  more... close row
$ 20
Apr 2008
monterey, california
Gary Fischer Superfly
Maintenance service for mountain bike  more... close row
$ 0
Mar 2008
Branford, CT
Free tune ups for life  more... close row
$ 85
May 2008
Portland, Or
Three speed mountain bike
Employer paid for bike tune up  more... close row
$ 85
Jun 2008
Alameda, CA
mountain bike
Squeaky brakes on bike  more... close row
$ 35
Jun 2007
Scottsdale, AZ
Adult Mountain Bike
Full tune up for mountain bike  more... close row