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the Cost of Museum Tours

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$ 18
May 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
one hour
Entrance into museum and tour by graduate student  more... close row
$ 24
Mar 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
2 hours
Two hour museum tour with price of admission  more... close row
$ 6
Apr 2008
Columbus, OH
1.5 hours
Tour with peppy tour guide  more... close row
$ 10
Feb 2008
Los Angeles, CA
2 Hours
Guide had a vast knowledge of every piece in the museum  more... close row
$ 22
Jan 2008
New York, NY
2 hours
Group tour of about thirteen people  more... close row
$ 23
Aug 2007
Chicago, IL
one day
Most famous museum in Chicago  more... close row
$ 6
Jun 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
3 Hours
Well planned out museum tour  more... close row
$ 30
Feb 2007
San Diego, CA
One hour
Museum tour for out of town guests  more... close row
$ 3
Jun 2006
Staten Island, NY
1 hour
Historical tour of the Conference House on Staten Island  more... close row
$ 10
Jun 2007
Chicago, IL
1 hour
Entrance and tour at art museum  more... close row
$ 10
Jun 2008
Syracuse, NY
2 1/2 hours
Group tour at art museum  more... close row
$ 145
May 2007
Washington, DC
6 1/2
Tour of Smithsonian museums  more... close row
$ 20
Dec 2007
Astoria, OR
1 hour
Tour of museum on the riverfront in Astoria  more... close row
$ 40
Jan 2008
1 hour 30 mins
Art history and museum history tour  more... close row
$ 25
Jul 2008
Richmond, VA
2 hours
Tour of an art museum in Richmond  more... close row
$ 60
Oct 2006
Tucson, AZ
4 hours or however much time you want to spend
Being a tourist in your own town   more... close row

Description of service

The price was for admittance for three adults to a scientific facility/tourist attraction affiliated with the local university.

Military personell, AAA members, and seniors get a $2 discount, while kids from 6-18 pay $13 to get in, and kids under 5 are free.

Occasionally they run $1 off coupons or 2 for 1 admissions. For groups of 20 or more kids, admission is $10 each.

Private, in depth tours are available, prices on request.

Review of Service

I'd lived in Tucson for years and never got around to seeing this. I ended up waiting until I'd moved to Phoenix before I bothered to go take a look. I guess I just couldn't be a tourist in my own town. Makes me wonder if I'll ever bother to go see the grand canyon.

This was pretty cool. A few acres of entirely enclosed and self-sustaining space (including air and water), with no supplies other than sunlight. People lived sealed in here for months, or at least they did was when it was used solely as a research facility. There was a tide pool (mechanical tides), hydroponic gardens, . It was supposed to simulate a space colony. Pretty cool, maybe even worth the $20.


What do you tell a tourist who's going to see a perfectly safe exhibition? Bring a camera and plenty of film or a spare memory card.