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the Cost of Museum Tours

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$ 18
May 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
one hour
Entrance into museum and tour by graduate student  more... close row
$ 24
Mar 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
2 hours
Two hour museum tour with price of admission  more... close row
$ 6
Apr 2008
Columbus, OH
1.5 hours
Tour with peppy tour guide  more... close row
$ 10
Feb 2008
Los Angeles, CA
2 Hours
Guide had a vast knowledge of every piece in the museum  more... close row
$ 22
Jan 2008
New York, NY
2 hours
Group tour of about thirteen people  more... close row
$ 23
Aug 2007
Chicago, IL
one day
Most famous museum in Chicago  more... close row
$ 6
Jun 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
3 Hours
Well planned out museum tour  more... close row
$ 30
Feb 2007
San Diego, CA
One hour
Museum tour for out of town guests  more... close row
$ 3
Jun 2006
Staten Island, NY
1 hour
Historical tour of the Conference House on Staten Island  more... close row

Description of service

A historical tour of the Conference House and its adjoining grounds in the Tottenville neighborhood of Staten Island, on the southern-most tip of the island.

Review of Service

The resident caretaker of the Conference House gave a wonderful tour of the Conference House and its grounds. As someone who has devoted her professional life to the Conference House, she was able to explain the significance of the house, where John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Edward Rutledge met with Britain's Admiral Lord Howe to ty to secure a peaceful resolution to the Revolutionary War. Before and after this peace conference, the house was been owned by other prominent figures in Staten Island history.

Also, the house showcases what life was like around the time of the Revolutionary War, with period relics restored to give visitors a sense of how families lived back then. My favorite part of the tour was the visit to the underground root cellar, which served as a pantry. I also enjoyed the adjoining park and beachfront, with great views over the Arthur Kill into Perth Amboy, New Jersey.


Feel free to ask questions about Staten Island and New York history, as the caretaker is well-versed in these subjects. Expect to spend about an hour on the tour. You will receive individual attention, since the tours generally do not attract a lot of people all at once. You might consider giving a gratuity at the end of the tour as a courtesy. Afterwards, walk from the Conference House to Tottenville's Main Street for refreshments and a glimpse of a quaint downtown-style area.

$ 10
Jun 2007
Chicago, IL
1 hour
Entrance and tour at art museum  more... close row
$ 10
Jun 2008
Syracuse, NY
2 1/2 hours
Group tour at art museum  more... close row
$ 145
May 2007
Washington, DC
6 1/2
Tour of Smithsonian museums  more... close row
$ 20
Dec 2007
Astoria, OR
1 hour
Tour of museum on the riverfront in Astoria  more... close row
$ 40
Jan 2008
1 hour 30 mins
Art history and museum history tour  more... close row
$ 25
Jul 2008
Richmond, VA
2 hours
Tour of an art museum in Richmond  more... close row
$ 60
Oct 2006
Tucson, AZ
4 hours or however much time you want to spend
Being a tourist in your own town   more... close row