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the Price of a Cooking Class

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$ 76
Oct 2008
Columbus, OH
immune boosting meals
Cooking class on immune boosting meals  more... close row

Description of service

A couple of weeks ago, my partner and I went to a local health food store for a cooking class to learn of foods and recipes to help stimulate the body's natural immune system. For the $38.00, we were taught by a chef that works with a cancer foundation on what foods are good for you, bad for you, and in the middle in relation to your immune system and stress. We helped to prepare three different entrees with the chef and got to eat the food after it was over. The meal itself was Italian: a whole wheat pasta dish with fresh steamed vegetables, fresh herbs, olive oil, a salad with fresh citrus fruit and mixed greens, and some meat dishes that we did not participate in because we are vegetarians.

Review of Service

This was a great class. The money was well worth the information we received and the great food we helped to create and enjoyed eating. This class was better than one I took at the same store a while back, as it actually had a vegetarian option. We learned how stress affects the body and thus the immune system and that the foods you eat can either hinder or help your body fight back. It was the old song and dance of whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies with lean meats, but it was still interesting and we still learned some things we did not know. The chef was very knowledgeable and took his time explaining all the steps and issues. I would recommend this class to anyone for sure. In today's world, fighting stress and having healthy immune systems are really important.


Take a cooking class. They are fun, educational, social, and you get to eat what you make! They can be pricey, so keep that in mind when looking for one you are interested in. Try to find one like this one where you are mixing cooking with learning healthy habits together. I feel that when I get to cook and learn I am getting my money's worth in more ways than one.

$ 25
Nov 2007
cleveland, ohio
baking class
Baking class meets twice a week  more... close row
$ 150
Sep 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Fun Asian cooking class  more... close row
$ 150
Nov 2008
San Diego, California
Cooking Class
Thanksgiving dinner cooking class  more... close row
$ 40
Sep 2008
Rochester, NY
Budget Healthy Meals
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$ 40
Nov 2008
Dublin, OH
make-ahead hors d'oeuvres for holiday parties
Fun but large hors d'oeuvres making class  more... close row
$ 150
Apr 2008
San Diego, CA
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$ 30
Aug 2008
Brighton, CO
fast family dinners
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$ 35
Apr 2007
Cleveland, OH
Fine Dining Cooking Class
Learning how to make lobster, steak and shrimp  more... close row
$ 10
Nov 2008
Davis, CA
College Cooking Class - Asian style
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$ 125
Feb 2008
Asheville, NC
Breakfast Cooking Class
Four hour breakfast cooking class  more... close row
$ 165
May 2008
Dallas, Texas
Family meals Class
Learning to prepare fancy meals  more... close row
$ 175
Sep 2007
Thai cooking classes
Beginning Thai cooking class  more... close row
$ 175
Jul 2008
cooking classes-International foods
Four week international cooking class  more... close row
$ 40
Mar 2008
Springfield, VA
Chinese Cooking
Chinese cooking class  more... close row
$ 28
Oct 2008
Dublin, OH
gluten free cooking class
Gluten free cooking class held in a grocery store  more... close row
$ 399
Aug 2008
New York, NY
Cooking Desserts
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$ 180
Oct 2007
New York, New York
Cooking Entrees
6 hour cooking class  more... close row