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the Price of Horseback Riding

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$ 100
Oct 2008
Syracuse, NY
1 hour
Price of two people horseback riding  more... close row
$ 40
Apr 2007
Washington Court House, OH
one hour
Horseback ride for two beginners  more... close row
$ 150
Jun 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
two hours
Two horses and three ponies for a birthday party  more... close row
$ 60
Jul 2008
Santa Rosa, CA
1 hour
Horseback riding with mother  more... close row
$ 25
May 2008
Phoenix, Az
1 hour
Price per person for a large party of horseback riders  more... close row
$ 150
Jun 2007
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
4 hours
Four hour ride at a dude ranch  more... close row
$ 30
Jun 2006
Buena Vista.CO
1 hour ride down the Colorado Trail
Horseback riding along the Colorado Trail  more... close row
$ 25
Jul 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
45 minutes
Price for a 45 minute horseback ride  more... close row
$ 60
Aug 2008
Chicago, IL
1 hour
Horseback riding in gorgeous scenery  more... close row
$ 180
Sep 2008
Boulder, CO
2 hours
Two hour horseback ride with son through the forest  more... close row
$ 30
Oct 2007
Tyler, TX
1 hour
Beautiful fall trail ride on horseback  more... close row
$ 55
May 2007
Estes Park, CO
1 hour
Horseback riding as a family activity  more... close row
$ 30
Jun 2007
1 hour
One hour horseback riding adventure  more... close row
$ 50
Jul 2008
Williamson, NY
One Hour
Price for a one hour horseback ride  more... close row
$ 30
Oct 2008
Santa Barbara, CA
3 hrs.
Incredible three hour horseback ride  more... close row
$ 65
May 2007
Pomona, CA
1 hour
Horseback riding a tradition in family  more... close row
$ 55
May 2008
Davenport, IA
2 hours
Two hour trail rides while camping  more... close row
$ 30
Sep 2008
Brighton, CO
1 1/2 hours
Horseback riding with son a lot of fun  more... close row
$ 20
Oct 2008
Grass Lake, Michigan
1 hour
One hour group horseback riding experience  more... close row

Description of service

The service was a one hour group horseback riding experience, which was provided on a small farm with about 100 acres of riding trails. The group was 5 riders and one guide/assistant. The horses were suitable for beginners and the ride consisted of a guided walk and trot through the trails on the property. The riders were expected to groom, saddle and bridle their own horses, but any who needed help were aided by an assistant. This part was, in my opinion, part of the experience. Then we rode along trails on the property, as well as in a riding ring, for an hour.

Review of Service

I felt this service was excellent. Everyone had a pleasant experience and learned about horses, riding, and how to groom and tack up a horse. Some of the people had never ridden before and their needs were addressed. Other had riding experience and general experience with horses and they weren't held back much by the beginners. The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly, but it was always clear the guide/assistant had everything under control. I would recommend this to any who wants to try riding a horse.


I think the guide or assistant is the most important part of a horseback riding experience, especially for beginning riders. Followed closely by suitable horses. Talking with the farm owner as well as the guide/assistant prior to riding is essential. Being honest about your riding experience is also necessary. The guide will try to match your riding experience to the appropriate horse and can only do that with correct information. Most of all, relax and have fun.

$ 65
Jun 2006
Washington Court House, Ohio
2 1/2 hours
Horse ranch offers horseback riding  more... close row