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the Price of Horseback Riding

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$ 100
Oct 2008
Syracuse, NY
1 hour
Price of two people horseback riding  more... close row
$ 40
Apr 2007
Washington Court House, OH
one hour
Horseback ride for two beginners  more... close row
$ 150
Jun 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
two hours
Two horses and three ponies for a birthday party  more... close row

Description of service

My daughter had told me that she wanted to have horseback riding at her birthday and I thought that she was crazy. I initially told her that we would not be able to do that because I figured that the cost was astronomical. Boy, was I wrong, it was totally affordable! For the use of two full sized horses and three miniature ponies for a birthday party, it cost only 150.00 for two hours of riding fun! The kids were all able to pick if they wanted to ride the big horse of the miniature horse. Each child was able to ride the horse for about ten minutes and would have to come back afterward to let another child ride. They could get back in line, but this way, everyone has an equal turn to get a ride.

Review of Service

I thought it was really a cool time. The animals were a bit restless because the kids were rowdy, but the workers took the time to explain to the kids how the animals work and answer their questions BEFORE the horses came out. This turned out to be a great idea because the kids were so rowdy they would have just delayed the horseriding process. The handlers were really helpful and really gentle with the kids.


Be sure that you are getting the most for your money. Be sure that the animals are in good condition and are not carrying any diseases.

$ 60
Jul 2008
Santa Rosa, CA
1 hour
Horseback riding with mother  more... close row
$ 25
May 2008
Phoenix, Az
1 hour
Price per person for a large party of horseback riders  more... close row
$ 30
Jun 2007
1 hour
One hour horseback riding adventure  more... close row
$ 50
Jul 2008
Williamson, NY
One Hour
Price for a one hour horseback ride  more... close row
$ 30
Oct 2008
Santa Barbara, CA
3 hrs.
Incredible three hour horseback ride  more... close row
$ 65
May 2007
Pomona, CA
1 hour
Horseback riding a tradition in family  more... close row
$ 150
Jun 2007
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
4 hours
Four hour ride at a dude ranch  more... close row
$ 30
Jun 2006
Buena Vista.CO
1 hour ride down the Colorado Trail
Horseback riding along the Colorado Trail  more... close row
$ 25
Jul 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
45 minutes
Price for a 45 minute horseback ride  more... close row
$ 60
Aug 2008
Chicago, IL
1 hour
Horseback riding in gorgeous scenery  more... close row
$ 180
Sep 2008
Boulder, CO
2 hours
Two hour horseback ride with son through the forest  more... close row
$ 30
Oct 2007
Tyler, TX
1 hour
Beautiful fall trail ride on horseback  more... close row
$ 55
May 2007
Estes Park, CO
1 hour
Horseback riding as a family activity  more... close row
$ 30
Sep 2008
Brighton, CO
1 1/2 hours
Horseback riding with son a lot of fun  more... close row
$ 20
Oct 2008
Grass Lake, Michigan
1 hour
One hour group horseback riding experience  more... close row
$ 55
May 2008
Davenport, IA
2 hours
Two hour trail rides while camping  more... close row
$ 65
Jun 2006
Washington Court House, Ohio
2 1/2 hours
Horse ranch offers horseback riding  more... close row